People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Again congrats on 15s. Lol I’m sure the struggle was real.

What new method?

new method? You must be new here then?

Lol thanks, it actually was because I got ksm in the first 2 weeks and so many people didn’t know some of the old dungeons so it was a miracle I timed some of them, karazhan was the roughest and lower kara I never even timed +15…pre-nerfs that is.

Yes healers have always use some damage spells. But for it to be required to “Pump” damage lol if quite funny. But yet you retail guys like what you like. roll with it.

I dont want to sound like a dick but its kinda hard not to. Have you A) checked overhealing meters or B) considered maybe ppl are just better than you at this game?

No, Taken a break from retail for about 2 months ago. Played since 06. Only since m+ have i’ve seen healers required to “pump dps”

please point where we ask healers to “pump” dps? Every pro-healer dps here said healer “should” help dps when they have downtime. Reading is hard I guess

This. This is a byproduct of M+. Healers have never been asked or required to dps.

we’re back to this huh?


Pretty sure healers were asked to wand for mana in Vanilla raids dude.

Were not talking about raids here. Shaman and Pallys didnt even have wands.

You think healers just stood idly by in Vanilla dungeons that barely required more than a linen bandage and a small health pot to heal through ?

No, they had hammers.

Paladins also had Seal of Wisdom/Judgment of Wisdom.

@adilith move the goal post now :smiley:

I was there. You healed with downranked spells. You used mana pots. You asked for innervate.

Yes thats what they did back then and thats what they did in classic. This really isnt up for debate.

You judged the boss with Wisdom, you slapped on a fast 1 hander, you hit the boss with Seal of Wisdom.

You didnt hit the boss for damage lol you hit the boss for mana so you can heal. lol

Edit: Auto attacks hardly says your doing damage as well.

No. You dont go near the boss. You were usually in a specified place or far away from any spread damage. As a pally, I was spamming downranked heals.

It comes from not spending mana on healing spells when everyone is full health.

When I sign up to dps, I signed up to dps, not heal/mitigate damage. Guess I’m taking Barkskin/lock rocks/potions off my bar.

No one is being kicked from dungeons for doing less than X healing, but if someone joined my key and told me from the jump “I refuse to even try to dps”, I’d probably replace them.

Healer dps has been relevant to raids for years, even prior to M+.