People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I should probably deep dive more often. I’m still not wholly comfortable with Enhancement’s or Ele’s use of Ice Strike / Icefury respectively. I actually quite dislike them, but if it’s going to be over 1% damage loss to not use it I won’t be stubborn. Gotta get my sweat on, no antiperspirant allowed.

You also don’t need a healer for like 8 and lower, can just take a couple hybrids. But I like when I’m taken along to smite and nova spam. c:

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Smite, shadow word pain, crusader strike, judgement, (i think wrath?) And more.

Is this the level of discussion you’re capable of ?

Because nothing screams “troll” more than this hogwash.

Yet here you are arguing against everyone who just says “Healers should do more than 0 damage”.

Strange uh. You like wasting everyone’s time ?

Crusader Strike/Hammer of Wrath/Judgment generate Holy Power that you turn into Word of Glory/Light of Dawn.

Are you ok buddy ? Crusader Strike is healing.

0.3% base mana. That’s hardly anything

Those are positive ability because it get’s you holy power to use word of glory

0.2% base mana.

Next you’ll complain that you can’t find time to sit and drink to refill mana

What? The healer is meant to heal all damage. Most DPS classes have to trade a healing ability for a pause in damage. You dont want the healer dps’ing while the actual dps has to pop a healing ability…


This healer DPS nonsense is driving me crazy. Can’t we drop this subject and talk about something else for just 5 minutes?

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By the same token, there isnt a key that the group wont pass if the healer doesnt do any damage - until maybe extremely high keys which isnt the focus of the conversation here.

Maybe, but it’s still objectively better if the healer helps doing damage. Remember, M+ is a type of content that rewards performance, and the faster you can finish the run, the better.

Besides, the level of the key when it starts to be relevant is relative.

Yeah, but were talking about being in appropriate gear for the key level here, which would mean a bunch of greens in an 8 or lower. There would be deaths without a healer - and even if not, we have been focusing on +15 (soon to be +20 in DF)

Do we disagree that healers doing damage when able to is good play?

If we don’t disagree on that, then why is healers doing damage the only element of good play that we need thread after thread asserting our right to not play well in low level content?

If healers doing damage is an element of good play that becomes optional because it’s not required to finish they key, then is there any element of good play that this doesn’t apply to? Should I stop trying to learn my rotation better? Should I stop using my defensives? Should I stop interrupting things? Not of that stuff will be the make or break for a +15 either. But if you start slacking on all of it because it’s all optional, then your group is going to struggle.

Yes. I agree that doing good damage is optional in low level keys. I fail to see how that makes it different from any other element of good play or why we should be telling healers that this specifically is the one element of good play that they can ignore among all others. That just seems like a way to stunt the healer’s growth.


Oh look, the DK that will make this spin round and round for another 200 posts is back.

Dunno why people argue about it anymore. Healers do damage. Period. Discussion over.

On healing, part of their Healing rotation is to use a DPS ability. They never intend to use these DPS abilities for damage purposes. They just use this to increase/improve their resource or to improve healing.

When a Healer starts getting ilevel 304 from Vault, he would have powerful gear. When he starts using Rising Sun Kick which is intended to buff Mists Healing spells, it would give damage. ilevel 304 Rising Sun Kick would have a significant damage when compared to lowbie players using the same Rising Sun Kick.

The ilevel 304 Healer would be praised by elitists becoz of his awesome damage when in fact, that healer was just healing. Then the elitists look at lowbies… becoz of poor ilevel, they would see very poor damage on the logs and judge them for not doing DPS.


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Its good gameplay but not necessary gameplay. No healer should be kicked or berated if the key is going smoothly while the healer omits doing damage.

Were getting to a place where players are demanding the healer contribute on the damage meters even though at the end of the run, the healer would have contributed around 5% of total damage, a negligible amount.

And there we go with that Strawman again.

Who cares. You don’t have to dps if you don’t want to. the group will be fine.

it’s explosive week so you’ll get this nonsense everytime. Then it’ll quiet down until the next explosive week comes back

Removing healers in keys if they aren’t DPSing

I dislike the general use of ‘necessary.’ As I said to someone else using it, nothing is necessary. You can pay for the sub and sit in Oribos typing in Trade chat 100% of the time, if you really want to.

again as everyone has pointed out to you it’s a TROLL post. Also if you do M+ you know you can’t remove them mid key if they dont do damage :man_facepalming:

EDIT: also let’s face it if healers aren’t intended to do any dps why do they have any dps ability? Shall we just tell blizzard to remove them all?