People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

My point is, your main role is a healer so do your job, you need mana to heal your allies.

please stop reply to me and stay on your bad hunter

To their credit, I do like having heals primarily oGCD and damage primarily GCD. The main disconnect I typically see with people on this topic is that no one really expects the other roles to moonlight as other roles except for healer as DPS. (Which isnā€™t entirely true but Iā€™ll get back to that.)

The answer is different depending on role. With tanks, their defensives are all oGCD and the act of holding aggro doesnā€™t compete with the act of doing damage. On the contrary, holding aggro and doing high damage have a synergistic relationship. In both WoW and FF14, tanks are encouraged to do as much damage as they possibly can.

With DPS, they typically canā€™t heal and do damage at the same timeā€¦ but healing has diminishing returns while damage does not. Since damage is the win condition, it makes sense that they would naturally choose to spend their GCD on damage rather than on healing. The fact that their role is ā€œDPSā€ cements this idea. (Plus Iā€™ll point out that in FF14, all two of a DPS jobā€™s healing abilities are oGCD.)

Healers however have a tricky conundrum. Like DPS, their damage and healing compete for the GCD (unlike in FF14 where they mostly donā€™t). However unlike the DPS, healing is their primary role. To choose to spend a GCD on damage is then choosing to give up the resource your primary function uses to do something that isnā€™t your primary function. I understand the disconnect.

So I actually like that in FF14, healing and damage typically donā€™t compete for GCDs. I just wish that healers were allowed to have ANY kind of damage rotation. One DoT and one nuke ainā€™t it fam. You can keep that philosophy of damage on the GCD, healing on the oGCD without committing to a braindead ā€œrotation.ā€


Healers have been chipping in on damage and encouraged to do so in groups since @#$%ing EQ dude.

dps is pretty much free.

Tiger Palm and Blackout kick donā€™t cost any mana.

You arent wrong here. When I say healer design, its primarly in regards to how effective healing and their most potent contribution of damage is achieved entirely.

I know it was cumbersome, but ARR sch for example at least felt compelling to play since you had fairy micro, cleric stance dancing, dot application and spread, amd meaningful choices with your oGCD aehterflow for things like shadowflare and bane.

I personally feel that modern wow handles healer moment to moment gameplay design better all things considered.

Not to go off on too much of a tangent but a big part of that has a great deal to do with 14 being on console alongside pc. Scripted raid wides and telegraphed critical healing requirments are needed because playing on pad does not easily allow you to dynamically play wack a mole with raid member party frame healing even if only an 8 man party count.

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Right, nobody is refuting that. But, youā€™re also a member of the group thatā€™s trying to get the content done as quickly as possible. So why would you let GCDs go to waste, and leave mana on the table that couldā€™ve been spent to push your group along?

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No one worth listening to would ever suggest a healer forego neccessary healing in the pursuit of higher dps.

The entire point is that more experienced healers understand the balance of optimizing windows of time where healing is not necessary and that skill is what separates the average healer from the good one.

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Itā€™s not worth arguing with 5 year olds here. Healer. Someone who is healing period. Main job is to heal. If nothing else to do everyone will help to finish the encounter faster. But let the healers heal and let the kids cry about the game and how itā€™s supposed to be played

rabble rabble insults rabble rabble

Meanwhile, in the actual game :


The only ones that seem to be upset are those healers that are being asked to dps when healing is not needed.

Most of the level headed individuals in this thread arent the confrontational / aggressive ones.

Good for you. Ow you can get a lollipop for your effort. You are a such good boy. Iā€™m proud of you.

In my 10+ years of wow experience Iā€™ve not seen yet a healer that did 0 damage in a run. Thatā€™s why I keep telling kids to stop with they crying. Even if they donā€™t do anything when nothing is going on they are healers. Meta slaves and basement dwellers expect everyone to be same type of low life zombie

And you are calling others ā€œkidsā€?..


So now, healers that try to dps whenever possible are meta slaves, basement dwelling low life zombies?

What kind of discussion are you even trying to have here man?


Honestly we really donā€™t need to go in the details of why people play optimally in whatever content. Healers filling empty GCDs with damage is better play than not doing that. Period. You donā€™t need to talk about metaslaves in order to have that discussion.

No what you do with the information is up to each individual player. Personally, I donā€™t think that you need to play optimally in all content even if playing optimally will give you better results in all forms of content (even low level content.) I donā€™t want to compel anyoneā€™s playstyle, but is there really any disagreement on the fact that it is de facto better (as in: produces better results) for a healer to do damage during empty GCDs than to not?

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Yeah I donā€™t keep up with healers and such, so I donā€™t have any clue. Thatā€™s why I say might, I really have no authority to speak on what the 40% change will do for those folks.

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Honestly I donā€™t even have a problem with healers playing more conservatively while theyā€™re learning an encounter. Confidence is built with repeated runs and accumulated knowledge. Youā€™re not going to start a season with that.

My bigger issue isnā€™t with people who start at square 1, itā€™s with people who donā€™t want to move beyond square 1.

Mandatory disclaimer that my expectations for all players vary by the content weā€™re doing and I donā€™t expect players in Heroics to be as improvement-focused as players in a +20.

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On a side tangent, the only reason I even have Details is so I can see where I need to improve moment to moment. I know some people find it to be a bit toxic, but I think plenty of people share my sentiment on it.

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I mean, thatā€™s the main reason I use it. Even as a raid leader itā€™s useful to use it to see how many casts arenā€™t being kicked or which abilities are causing the most deaths/doing more damage than they shouldā€¦ etc. Normally I prefer to use actual logs for that kind of analysis but while weā€™re in the middle of a raid night, Details! is quite a bit better than nothing for that purpose. The heavy duty log deep dives wait until the morning after raid night.

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