People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

There’s no truth in this statement at all. It’s amazing how wrong a single post can be. You’re either trolling, or you have literally zero clue how competitive M+ works. And that’s okay, but don’t make threads like this if that’s the case.

Healers contribute to DPS in high M+ keys. The higher the key, the more important it is. And the more organized the group, the more DPS a healer can do, as healing becomes easier to stay on top of.

Healers in this game shouldn’t just stand around waiting for something to heal. Even if they aren’t pushing the same DPS as their FFXIV counterparts, an unspent global is still waste. ABC (Always Be Casting) isn’t just a DPS mantra. You’re not going to get blacklisted from a group for contributing to the DPS as a healer, so long as you’re not allowing people to rot to death.

Now I get that in lower keys healers don’t need to DPS. And I also understand more casual healers are more apt to not contribute to DPS. Whether that’s because they’re of the opinion they don’t need to or shouldn’t, or just don’t know that they can or should, at the level they’re playing it likely doesn’t actually matter. But that’s not the rule that applies to all levels of play.

I just did 5m damage in a dungeon (on the low side but i’m still learning) as an rdruid.

Yo that’s 5million damage that the group wouldn’t have otherwise. Enough said. Pretty significant amount of damage, that’s all im sayin.


B-b-but the tank was missing 0.2% of their max health for most of the run how dare you allow them to go on with such a gaping wound?!


I think i heal the tank less than the dps. there’s legit so much downtime rn in keys.

Edit: it was close. 100k difference between a monk and the tank.


Ah yes, we should all strive to do the bare minimum. Builds a nice society, race to the bottom and all that.

People who have this attitude: Know that your boss (and likely co-workers) hates you and your career opportunities are limited by your own attitude whether you choose to face that fact or be in denial about it.


Healers should DPS whenever there is a room to do so. It is utterly stupid to sit around doing nothing waiting for someone to get damage so you can finally do something. Specially in higher end content where every bit of damage matters and people tend to avoid most of the avoidable damage, that’s precisely where healers will have bigger DPS windows. Knowing when to DPS and when to heal is what separates good healers from the turbo garbage ones.

That’s true if you don’t have sufficient interrupts (or are just too uncoordinated) in your group comp. The benefit of an additional interrupt has a hard cap to its efficacy. Once you have more interrupts than you can get on CD at any point in time, additional interrupts lose almost all of their value (literally all of their value if you assume everyone stays alive the entire run).

Damage output doesn’t have a cap to its efficacy. All damage done by a healer is time off the clock. The more DPS the healer can do, the more efficient the run can be.

The exception to that rule would be the lost global from a DPS had a healer interrupted instead. How many globals are we likely talking, across most dungeons, though? Assuming the healer takes the first interrupt every time, they might be freeing up what, 20 globals on the high end? So even if all 20 of those globals were worth 10k DPS each (they won’t be- the average cast is lower than that), you’re talking 200k damage. I promise you, a healer can and will push out much more damage than that over a dungeon. Thus their DPS is more impactful than their interrupt.

It has consequences that will slow the group down if the best action is not taken and we instead have to deal with plan b.

Perhaps you can see that it’s silly to say “that’s not my job” and think more about how everyone has a toolkit and perhaps we should all be using all of it, to the best of our abilities, as circumstances allow. This includes healers; dps is a part of their skillset.

I’ve had keys come down to the last few seconds. If we had a healer who was ideologically opposed to dpsing, we would not have succeeded.

Thats 16% less mana than you could be regenerating

What’s your point, though? Being at 100% mana is not efficient. It’s a sign that you’re leaving globals unspent. Your mana exists to be used.

A healer’s dps is also potentially the difference between skipping an entire phase or not, potentially shaving off whole minutes rather than a few seconds

You guys padding meters

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It is stupid. OP must of gotten out dpsed by touch of death and made a forum post about it.

Imagine building up overhealing meters cause you cant comprehend being efficient in other ways

If I’m ever in a group with some of you people, I will purposely do no damage as a healer just to annoy you

Dude, we have your logs, you do damage in keys.

Stop pretending otherwise.

And the issue is… on the other thread, a KSM healer said he was able to do 8k damage average without him using any single dps ability and never chose any dps talent. He did nothing about DPS and yet he had 8k total dps… from his tier set, covenant, whatever. I dont know.

Now, you want him to DPS… I guess he just continue healing and neglect this nonsense thread.

Monk says 'what? ’

I mean… Fist weaver ftw.

The dps/healing aspect was literally what monk healing was all about when it first launched. “Jab, jab, uplift!” was the battle cry of Affinity during progression in MoP.
What game have you been playing? Because it sure ain’t WoW.

(Disc priest crawls drunkenly out from the corner, briefly raises her hand, and collapses back into a heap on the floor)

Crazy numerically sure, but they are still just spamming broil, dosis etc every GCD while hitting oGCDs for scheduled raid wides and telegraphed tank busters.
Sage is still doing the exact same thing as every other healer but has higher damage tooltips or damage baked into heals because they dont have a raid wide damage boost utilty like chain strat.

Ff14 does a lot of things I love, thematic and exciting boss fights and mechanics inovled in the encounters. But how it handles its healer play design is miserable.


Meh, barely.

Attonment is a fundamental healing component that has a measurable inpact on throughput.

Kardia is something you active on tank and never think about it again until you hit your CD that boosts it for a few seconds. Its essentially just a differemt form of SCH fairly embracing in the backround, ie unimpactful triage.

Likewise sge and sch are actually heavily disincentivized to even use their “PWS” equivalents precisely because it eats into their precious gcd dosis/broil spam.

I suppose they both have more similarly analgous CDs to things like rapture and dome.

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sarcasm isnt really your strong suit aint it?