People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

You assume he even plays the game. That’s nice of you.

You mispelled “The accepted upon general consensus”.

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Yea idk it’s complete despair trying to explain anything to them. Oh well, I hope they figure it out eventually. Poor groups they’re in tho.

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Would require him to stop typing for a bit and start actually playing.

Well when you’re feeding me hyperbole and telling you get bored for like 1 second, and you call things that are related “moving the goal posts”, while agreeing with somebody who think’s me not agreeing with him is not playing the game (Sure does not remind me of :tea: :elf: ) , then i don’t think i’m going to miss anything you explaining anything to me then. As far i’m concerned, i think i will do relevantly fine without your misinformation.

Infact i have on my monk healer, so…

…Oh “poor” me a drink. :roll_eyes:

I’m gonna be honest I don’t really care about your paragraph this is kinda a you problem, not a me problem. If you wanna die on this hill that’s moreso on you than me. I’ll do the objectively better option and dps during downtime.

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Anxxy’s side : Logs. Data. Experience.

Rogue’s side : “Let me type more words than necessary!”.

Which side is actually misinformation ?

If the healer isn’t dpsing then if everyone else drops their survival gcds, they have more gcds to dps. The healer is making it plain they will take full responsibility for the health pools and pass the dps baton to everyone else. Seems a reasonable way to adapt to me, for the benefit of the team.

This week is explosives, I wonder if he kills explosives

this is a healer job

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What about sec that has to DPS to heal. That rhe thing of Dpriest; to heal base on a percentage of damage. Holy Paladin is not going gain much resources for word of glory.

Gotta admit since I found out details can count who has killed the most, that’s become something of a… err… competition…

But yeah, similar arguments came out in a thread sometime back when a healer started a thread asking why they got told in a key that explosives was their problem. They were there to heal not blow up orange balls after all.

If the healer isn’t going to dps during downtime because “it’s not their job” then I’m not going to use my defensives and self-heals because keeping myself alive isn’t my job, my job is to do dps

Also what I find amusing is the sort of people who say it isn’t the healer’s job to dps are the same ones who will say dps are a dime a dozen and that as long as the tank and healer are there they don’t need the dps

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…Again, why do you think it’s unfair?

Not to mention, aren’t some of the survival GCD’s off GCD? So if the argument is “wasting globals”, wouldn’t that only apply to abilities that are on GCD Then? Because if so, why not make them off GCD then? If you think it’s unfair?

Sure, for niche healers like Priests, their are the exception because their heals are also damage abilities as well, so it’s basically inevitable to dps as a healer at that point.

Healers have been taking full responsibility for people’s health pools since ever.

So you’re not dpsing and I’m not using my self heals and damage reduction. Luckily we can spec out of interrupts now too for more damage. We’re all operating in our clearly defined roles. Everyone’s happy.

I would gladly get blacklisted from your garbo runs

You’re doing this thing where you think things are unfair and therefore you’re allowed to not do the things yourself, without realizing the context on why things are like that.

Not interrupting is not the same as not dpsing as a healer, because not dpsing as a healer doesn’t have a huge or immediate consequence like not interrupting.

And interrupting things have way more use, not to mention, the game is designed with interrupts in mind to be used. Thoughout all 9 expansions mind. Something that was once was baseline.

Something that by the by, everybody has to CC and interrupt. Not just one role.

5% of the group’s total dps (and that’s being generously low) is the difference between timing a +15 by 30 seconds, and failing it by 10 seconds

But in your example, that’s only for +15. Or M+ to be generous.

Interrupt has a greater difference in not just time but in how fights play out.

No it doesn’t. You’re the healer, it’s your job to heal the damage isn’t it?

Well you’re free to have any subjective belief, but it does.

Everybody CC’s and Interrupts. It’s not special towards anybody and it shouldn’t. It’s an addition to your role. There’s no dedicated interrupt/CC role.

No they don’t. By your own logic, people’s jobs are what their roles are labeled as. And there are no “CCers” or “interrupters” in a given party

By your logic, it’s no one’s job to CC or interrupt

And even without the sarcasm, if it actually were everyone’s job then everyone would have an interrupt, and none of them would be optional talents. Neither of these statements are true