People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I haven’t played H Pally since like wrath did they nerf their range?

It’s ok same trolls argue and speak for everyone. If it’s not their way it’s like taking away iPad from a 5y old.

I need a healer to heal, I need a tank to keep agro, and let the dps take care of damage. You think different go play FF14

This DK dude Rami boy is full of himself. Happens when your only success irl is only achieved in game

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It hasn’t. The rogue just hops thread to thread and spams until the threads become huge, even though everyone but him agree that healers do damage when there’s nothing to heal.

No, FoL and HL are still 40 yard. But they’re just not the primary healing tools.

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This is not fundamentally world of warcraft anymore, and I’m sorry but this is the truth. Some classes heal from dps.

Holy paladin mastery increases heals the closer your are to friendlies. CS generates HP which is used for wog.

And raid mechanics consider Hpal as melee.


It’s like me old Mum use to say…

Whatever pisses off the try hards and sweat lords the most.

That’s kinda cool but also could be super annoying for Hpal’s having to be in melee.

Melee healing isn’t annoying but that depends on the player.

What is annoying is the mastery.

Or, you play with like-minded people and we will too. Telling people who don’t want to play the same way as you to get out of your game is ridiculous.

Not sure how you can say tanks are only required to keep aggro when they very often can top heals and will be top dps on non-bosses often. That is some mental gymnastics to say they’re only there for the aggro.

I main a disc as healer and that’s true and it’s only healer that works that way. The rest of the healers do traditional healing.

And I never saw a healer in my life that doesn’t cast dos spells when there is nothing going on. I swear I never saw one.

Resto shamans / rdruids take a dps legendary tho.

so now we’re at what 3 specs of healers that are like dps focused? hpal / monk is always / has always been about damage, so 5 maybe?

I’m starting to think some of yall heal from caster range as a melee healer

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That is not mental it’s design. Sure tanks can do good damage and some tanks can have best healing. But tanks can mitigate more damage , that’s why they are called tanks. Their purpose is to take and mitigate damage.

Disc priest works like that without legos, other specs work sometimes depends on borrowed power. And that’s not even considered dealing damage to heal. That’s just extra flaw. Disc priest heals trough damage >90% of the time.

No, you don’t get it. They need to keep aggro.

No damage. No healing.

Just aggro. They spam taunt. That’s all they do. Don’t worry about how this works.


Why do you have to make the healer’s job worse for them by (you or anybody else) making them “Work for it” or else you think it’s “Unfair”?.. The “unfairness” that nobody ever thinks is bad before and prior?..

…Also, do you forget that Tanks have to get aggro though DPS because of how Blizzard designed the tanks?

Not FF14 realm reborn though. FF14 at 2010 was… ehhhhhhhhhhhhh…

In normal, that benefit is unnecessary to the completion of the dungeon. It would just be overkill in all essence.

So you don’t complain about healers not dpsing in normals then.

And yet, you expect us to take you seriously whenever you get “Bored” for 1 second of downtime, instead of doing something sensible like switching to PvP.

You know, there’s more to playing video games then just mashing buttons constantly?..

That’s fair enough actually. Thank you for answering that, have a like. :+1: :slight_smile:

You know, i would agree except for the problem that this mentality existed longer then this controversy. Which to me sounds like it’s much more terrible then that.

Also, weird that Ff14 mods don’t pick up on that if it did came from FF14. You think Yoshi P looking at WoW for his inspiration, would be a touch worried considering WoW and Ff14 communities are kind of one in the same in some way.

No kidding.


Then what do you consider WoW then? Classic?

idk what planet these goal posts are on but when you come back to azeroth lemme know. there’s nothing else to heal, no damage incoming, dps. simple enough.

There is no controversy. There’s the game where healers do damage in their downtime, and then there’s you arguing they shouldn’t.

Everyone but you agrees on this.

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Yeah, because you’re arguing now about button mashing and pvp like that is at all a part of this conversation and totally is worth replying to.

idk chief ur doing ur groups a disservice and that’s on you not me

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Because you were arguing about “AFK”. Therefore, it’s only natural we got to that point. If that’s “moving the goalposts” to you, then that’s your problem.

Unless you’re also saying you being bored is not part of the conversation.

Your subjective opinion.