People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

Yeah, I’m gonna go with r/ThatHappened.

I think it’s a combination of a few things:

  1. I think it’s pretty likely they are playing with bad players. Players who cannot stop taking avoidable damage
  2. There is a lack of understanding of damage patterns, leading to the constant feeling that you must keep your entire grouped topped at all times.

Good healers are not fully topping their group all the time. If there are no damage events occurring, you really don’t have to top your group up. if 2 dps are sitting at 70% health, unless some big mechanics is going to come out, they probably aren’t in that much danger.

He has something of a personal goal to see how much of his gear could be off in LFR jailor and get away with it. I think his record was 5 pieces? Not sure on that. He has been kicked from some raids but mostly people are silent.

He certainly cares less about the key than he does the fun of it.

So no, you don’t actually complain in game either.

You know what, i skipped this orgrinally because it was hyperbolic, but i’l entertain it.

In that context, No.

But i think it’s interesting you bought it up considering… that you know, the opposite of that person exists? The person that dumps all their workload on another person, expecting them to do it all for them? And they take the day off, and always have an excuse for it?.. Even you know for a fact their most likely waiting for a video game to come out on that day their taking off?..

Oh no, this person who plays a healer, heals. What a horrible night to have this curse. /s

Ironically enough, My Monk still heals even near 5% of mana. It’s a reason why that monk is my favorite healer. :slight_smile:

Is you not actually complaining about healers not healing in normals?

You think it’s not a simple yes/no answer.

You either complain ingame about healers not DPSing in Normal, or you don’t.

Okay, So that only tells me you don’t do that with Healers not DPSing in Normals then.

Well of coarse they don’t do that because one of them actually admited to just being okay with healers DPSing in normals.

Well that’s convenient to bring up now… /s

…But the DPS that wants the Healers to DPS while the same DPS who don’t CC, or anything because “It’s not my job”, totally fine apparently. /s :roll_eyes:

You want to know what makes a good human? Honesty.

You know why people call them opinions? Because “Facts” “Truth” and so on are so misused that people on GD don’t know what’s factual or true anymore. Plus, those people aren’t saying “You yourself as a healer, can’t DPS”. Nobody or a minority of people has ever made such an argument.

You want to talk about childish, lazy and downright goofy? Why not you start with some of the pro-healer DPS people on this thread here?.. Or are they okay with you because you agree with them?

I’m okay with Resh here despite the fact we clearly disagree on this.

Tbh, if i were a healer, i would stop healing that tank if their doing that. Regardless if i’m DPSing or not.

Bro I don’t care about normal dungeons vs mythic keystones. dps if u dont have to heal so that you don’t look like a flopper out there waddling around doing nothing while the group dpses


Pretty much this “healer needs to do damage” came from FF14 players

Okay, so you don’t complain in normal dungeons about healers not dpsing then. Glad we settled that then.

I complain if a healer is wasting globals all the time, correct. I don’t care what type of content we’re in. stop being lazy and fill your globals with something meaningful that makes the group have an easier job.

I’d expect someone to tell me this on my healer too.


I’ve never seen a healer notice that the tank is more squishy on the second key, only that they don’t really want to do a third.

Why should a tank be taking care of their mitigation and keeping their dps up, dps using their survival cd’s and self heals… if the healer is only going to heal? We all have a full toolkit for a reason.

I refuse to let my healers DPS.

I’m a hunter, once my pet has growled the enemies away from the tank, I can mend my pet to heal them.

That way both the tank and healer can take some rest while I’m being awesome at everything.

Got to love that “Everybody has all jobs” meta, am i right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: /s

Okay, so you do. Why that angers you to know that Healer in normal dungeons, aren’t playing the way you do? Why does their globals matter to you so much that you have to control every single global they do to ensure completion, even though you can complete the normal dungeons just fine with just healing?

FF14 didn’t come out until 2010? It had already been a thing for many years at that point. It was baked into mana regen right from the start… no dps, kiss your mana regen goodbye.

bro i don’t know like why this is a hard concept for you to grasp, I’m not even like arguing i’m just telling you that if you have nothing else to do it benefits the group to dps. That’s it, there’s nothing more to it, i don’t care about any other scenarios, this fits every scenario in the video game. I don’t care about how you “feel” about it, how I “feel” about it. I’m gonna suggest someone to do the better option

press ur dang buttons, they’re there for a reason.

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The fact they aren’t playing if they aren’t DPSing, because there’s nothing to heal in a normal dungeon.

Just like I’d kick AFK dps or an AFK tank, I’ll kick an AFK healer.

Serious question: How many Ranged damaging spells do Holy Paladins get? I’m curious about the extent expected of a Holy pally to do damage while healing Should they be in melee Crusader Striking?

They’re pretty much melee pov.

They have an easier time to range heal than some classes, but still struggle of course if you’re comparing to a priest / drood

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Why is this becoming an issue recently?

Healers have ALWAYS dpsed during time of low damage. Doesn’t matter what difficulty. Otherwise you’re just weighing the group down. Like don’t you wanna kill things quicker?

If your not dps’ing as a healer when appropriate then the group lead has every right to kick you.


No, because I’ll likely never see them again. If it is someone I’m going to be playing with again, then yes…I’ll say something. I don’t want my friends embracing bad habits, I think that’s fair. I don’t care if randoms wanna play less than optimally, it isn’t my business.


Holy Paladins should be in Melee at all times. Light of Dawn works best in proximity of others.

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