People be playing FFXIV too much, healers dont dps in WoW

I think the dude spam heals regrowth or something on the full hp tank to make sure that when he takes 10k dmg the tank will be full hp again

maybe this is why he can’t dps in the middle of the pull, he’s spending all of his mana overhealing

I mean this is even the reason they reworked mana regen.

Well since you’ve decided to pull this hyperbolic dishonest answer out of your butt, i’m going to assume that you don’t complain about healers just healing in normal then.

It was a simple Yes or No question.

The only thing I’m seeing here is someone wasting globals :woman_shrugging: your problem bro

btw im a freakish healer, as expected.

The beauty of normal is you can kick the afk healer out and replace him, unlike in keys.

There’s literally no good reason to keep the little leech around.

Here’s the truth, each pull of a dungeon is like a “phase” in a raid fight. What can do damage to my team and how much damage will it be? How can I answer to that damage?

There’s set damage your team will take literally every single pull, you have absolutely nothing to do besides prep for damage or dps. The tank doesn’t need healing. He’s full hp in these 15 keys.

The thing is, though, it’s not a simple yes/no answer.

Do we complain and throw a fit in a RDF group? No, probably not. I don’t always agree with Anxxy and Raimiir but they don’t give that vibe. They are, like me, likely to just get in, get out, get on with their lives.

Do I, as a healer main, think that healers who only heal should be nudged towards using all of their kit at once? Absolutely. And if someone says they’re new to the game/role and indicates that they would like feedback and/or advice, I am happy to spend time with them helping them learn mouseovers and how to maximize their GCDs so that they are pulling the most weight possible, as everyone should in any kind of group/team setting ever, because that’s just being a good human. No one likes the kid in the group project who does the least amount of work, even if you got the project done and turned in on time without him.

Our problem, here on GD, is with people who put their fingers in their ears and yell YOU CAN’T PROVE THERE’S SOMETHING MORE HELPFUL ABOUT BEING HELPFUL THAN THERE IS ABOUT BEING LESS HELPFUL THAT’S JUST LIKE YOUR OPINION MAN because it’s childish, lazy, and downright goofy.

You know, when there’s down time, I try to throw a spell or two out for the sake of helping down the trash/boss.

Problem is; there’s often a lack of down time. DPS in this game are too focused on being better than the next guy and topping the meter to do mechanics and get out of the fire.

I’m often way too busy healing bad DPS players that refuse to keep themselves alive to worry about my own damage.

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I mean I can prove that not dpsing is bad. It’s pretty simple actually.

Are you wasting globals with nothing? if answer is yes because you can’t dps then bad. It’s objective


What the hell do you have to do when you don’t have heavy healing to do? Stand there and stare at your keyboard?

Like, I don’t get this mentality. If you need to heal nobody’s gonna gripe about you needing to spend time actively healing, but if you’re just standing there like a lump on a log obviously people are going to urge you to contribute.


What type of content do you heal where there’s no downtime ?

Bro this is what I’m trying to figure out. in 15s that i’m doing with like 1400 players that stand in stuff, i prep heals and then if someone stands in bad it’s 1 global to heal them back to full. 1 global. I have plenty of time to dps. I’m finding it harder and harder to believe as I improve on my healer that people legit don’t have time to dps as a healer.

This is my first week healing and I can promise you I have like the most time in the world to dps. and im probably a bigger healing nooby than people in GD.

especially with all this haste from the seasonal affix mmmm i’m vibin on healer doing a lot of dmg.

You’re braver than me. I did a few keys here and there on the Resto shaman in BfA, and ended up thinking “If I really wanted to blast mobs with Chain Lightning, I should just play Elemental”.

Oh, they absolutely do have time. This, however, is an ideological standpoint, not a pragmatic one. In many cases, they choose to heal because it’s easier to follow a group around without understanding much of what’s going on and still get credit for it. They don’t want to be pushing buttons every gcd.

I certainly did that years ago following my friends around. They did all the work, figured out where we were supposed to be, and I tossed the odd heal. It was as fun as it sounds though :face_with_monocle: .

They dps.

In fact, I’ve yet to even find this mythical creature that is the 0 damage done healer, outside of GD threads.

It’s a different role honestly. Have a different mindset healing and it’s a good change of pace. Plus I really really wanted to see what the big debate was about dpsing, if it was hard with pugs to heal them and still maintain decent dps in the dungeon. It’s just not. I’m truly in the like “struggle keys” and honestly it’s not that bad. I don’t feel overwhelmed often.

healing is like 90% brain and 10% pressing ur 3 buttons the right way.

I have seen these non-dpsing healers. Even in 15’s. My friend tank starts taking off his gear until the healer has to start working for it. Usually, healers who don’t dps also don’t notice what he’s doing.

That’s kind of hilarious ngl

He’d have to zone out and zone back in to do this.

You can’t swap gear out in keys.

So you made up this story. If I saw the tank run for the door, zone out and zone back in, I’d probably ditch that key in a hurry.

He gets them to come into another key. Tells them they’re great, anyone up for… and they usually say yes. And they don’t check him. Or notice his drop. He does it actively in raids.