Pelagos vs Mikanikos (Ret Arenas)

What do you all recommend for Ret in Arenas (specifically, 3s with necro warrior and rsham), Pelagos for mastery buff, or Mikanikos for shorter Divine Toll?

I know Mikanikos shortens the DT CD to sync up with seraphim, but it unsyncs with Final Reckoning. So maybe if we take Mikanikos, we should drop FR for Sanctified Wrath?

Hello fellow ret. Pelagos all the way. You don’t really need lower cd on DT since your gonna be lining it up with CDs Evey time.

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Pelagos is too good in scenarios where burst is mandatory, especially with the damage reduction and MS protection after CC, two of our biggest weaknesses.

I’d argue that Mikanikos is better in Rated Battlegrounds where you’ll actually be able to hit 5 targets with his capstone. Otherwise you’re just shorting yourself for nothing.

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Mika is only good vs rogue mage.
With the 3sec stun and the phial that get used automaticly when you drop low