Pay to win

Which kind of sucks… Video games are trending to unenjoyable because devs only chase $$$ Lifelong gamer going to have to find a new thing soon

Blame the buyers. If people are stupid enough to buy things they can easily earn themselves, then if anything the sellers are smart for taking advantage of it.

Even before the token, people were buying gold, just like they buy gil in FFXIV, even though the currency is super easy to make and almost worthless in that game.

Turns out massive corporations like making as much money as possible. Who knew?

Play indie or just don’t give them any extra money

OMG you have solved EVERYTHING! Thank you so much! Because every guild isn’t full of the same people you see in pugs. Ever been in a pug? Are those people not in a guild?

Hey man, just giving advice. Playing with the same people every week is objectively better than randos.

Makes them sound evil… like, watch out for those randos… hehe

Lol thinking pigs and guild runs are even remotely the same thing. Sorry you’re stuck playing the game on hard mode, at least you can buy a carry to help you through it.