Pay to win

Why does what other people do bother you?

How does other people having fake game points tarnish what you accomplished?

Person can buy gold with real money
Spend said paid-for gold to get carried in raid, get gear, get carried in pvp etc

um guys its not p2w or rmt at all, its perfectly valid and fair
/s before some goomba replies

The problem is, there is no off/on switch for pay to win, any more.

The original definition, which I prefer, is that an in-game advantage can be purchased by an external currency, which cannot be earned in the game, itself. This is often referred to by the acronym P2W.

Online sentiment has been morphing the definition over the years, to fit into a more literal word-for-word definition, where if someone believed they have won something, by paying for it, it is pay to win.

Games are not automatically on one side or the other, but somewhere in the middle, as any game with currency can be deemed pay to win, if players can earn enough money to spend, allowing other players to do the work. The problem is, advocating for the literal definition means that even spending gold in WoW makes it pay to win, and therefore means it has always been this way, even from the first day you walk up to the AH and buy a green that someone else found. I don’t agree, and while I think the argument has become more nuanced, it doesn’t make the game any more P2W than calling One Epic Knight an epic RPG.

In the end, WoW has some elements of pay to win, but is not as blatant as nearly every mobile game out there, where there are items only available from the cash shop, or via some second currency that is only available by spending real money.

I was brought up with strong ethics and when people behave unethically, especially in a situation where it is superfluous, I find it sad and disappointing.

Don’t be silly. I don’t have any of those things.

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Yea no, it’s pretty easy to see that isn’t the case. It’s just that people are either too lazy or too bad at the game to do it themselves and need other better players to play the game for them

Why do people buy carries, seriously?

My guess is most are alts people want to gear up quick or PvP players who just want to pvp.

The game is currently pretty alt unfriendly - encourages boosting for people who don’t want to put the time in.

Pve gear is currently BiS for most pvp. Or was most of SL. Encourages carries from pvp players.

Where do people get gold for 1m plus current tier carries? Or for their weekly 10 + 10s? Are they farming it? I doubt it… they are buying tokens.

What is unethical about paying gold for a service that isn’t against the rules?

There’s no ethics involved.

It is paying for a ‘win’ instead of earning it.

It’s like paying for a RL trophy instead of earning it.

It is like companies that pay a magazine X number of dollars in advertising for the magazine to name them top whatever product of the year.

It’s like me paying my grandson RL money to give me Boardwalk in Monopoly.

But if you don’t understand why any of these things are unethical, you are not going to understand why paying gold to achieve things in WoW that are suppose to be earned, not bought, within the framing of the game is unethical.

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Exactly. Just like I said, people are too lazy and/or too bad at the game to do it themselves. That doesn’t mean it’s being designed that way.

Why are you still playing the game if you feel it is unethical?

Especially given your statement:

Wait I know some unethical behavior is acceptable!

It doesn’t mean it’s not either.

Blizzs credibility isn’t so hot lately that I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I did not say the game was unethical.

Doing those things in the game is unethical.

And not only am I not doing any of those things, I don’t associate with anyone who does. Of course, I am a solo player, so that is easy for me :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

Uhhh, hate to break it to you, but there have been people performing “legal” RMT by buying WoW tokens, changing it into bnet balance, buying game keys and selling them on key reselling sites like G2A.

It’s convoluted, but it does happen.

As someone who has whaled for SWGoH in the past and several other games the pay to win model used in this and the other games I’ve whaled for have the exact same pay to win model as WoW. You pay money to buy currency to skip the monotonous grinds.

The game supports if not promotes this behavior.

Cool, WoW needs solo players to survive.

Choices… I can pay to win OR keep being declined or kicked by YOU because you only care about yourself and forgot what it was like to be on the bottom rung of the ladder.

You winning son?

Find a guild?

The game allows for that type of behaviour.

It is the player’s choice whether they act ethically or not.

Unfortunately, the only way to stop this issue would be to either A) Remove Token RMT altogether, or B) The player-base creates etiquete on its own regarding this.

Option A won’t happen, tokens exist to generate more money for Blizzard. Option B can happen, but it would be a dedicated effort from many players for it to be impactful. Honestly, most players I know who have sense enough to oppose P2W gameplay have already left for different games. It’s a deep-seated issue at this point, and honestly for a lot of people (including myself) it’s just not worth the stress and devotion when there’s several other games that don’t suffer the same issue. We aren’t the ones developing the games, after all.

If Tokens were required to be bought with a resource that wasn’t as universally useful as gold, it could stem the issue a bit, but that resource would have to have some use for people to want to flip tokens in the first place. Ultimately, I don’t see a way you can decouple Tokens from Personal Power without players losing interest.