Pay to win

But only for part of the playerbase. It’s only pay to win (or pay for convenience as you put it) for the players that arnt the best at game. The p2w mechanics only exist if you’re not good enough to get it done on your own…and also require that someone else is.

This is not entirely true because there is a portion of people who do this who are ex-mythic raiders who don’t have the time to raid anymore.

It’s not a clear-cut problem.

You can now also buy these things directly from the companies top employees… so yeah, hard to say the game isn’t being designed to drive token sales and set up the dev team for easy in game gold.

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Doesn’t make the game p2w. But going off your logic, EVERY MMO is p2w then. Please make sure to post this on the FFXIV, GW2, SWTOR, ESO, NW, Aion, etc. because people all pay for those carries there.

Side note, please learn what p2w in an mmo actually means. You do realize gear and things of that nature aren’t guaranteed but not only that, people still have to run you through the place. Last I checked what advantage do you get from a mount or cutting edge title?

Again. Please learn what p2w actually means before posting nonsense.

wiping in heroic for hours or not getting into any pugs? only $20 for aotc! pay to win!

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If you pay real life money to get an edge in a game, then you’re paying to win. It couldn’t be more simple.

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Aotc isn’t winning

Who are you getting an advantage over if you buy a boost

My goal is to get Aotc. Once I get that I feel that I have met my goal and won.

(Buys token, sells it for gold, then buys carry. Gets Aotc. Has won at that point getting goal.)

Its pay to win.


If that’s your goal then I guess it is winning to you, but if you don’t want to buy a boost, then don’t. You can still easily earn that goal without spending a single copper

Why does it affect you if other people use gold to reach their goals?

Also even if you buy a mythic carry, someone still has to do the content before you and have it on farm for a long time before they boost you

I know what it is and how its done. I don’t need it explained to me and that is a different argument.

The process is paying to win regardless of that. You are paying to bypass standardized mechanics in place to reward people who play the game.

You are paying to win. It will always be paying to win no matter how much people try to twist, ignore, rename the facts.

What mechanic is being bypassed? There is no mechanic in the game that requires every single person to contribute X% before they get loot or achievements.

Your group has killed the boss, just like every other group. They get the same amount of loot that every other group gets. They funnel loot (sometimes) like every other group can do.

What are they bypassing?

No, you are not.

Pay to win = Getting an advantage over other players that cannot be obtained without opening your wallet. I’ve given multiple examples of what pay to win is and listed MMOs and other games that engage in pay to win activity. Here’s a good example for you:

APB Reloaded

In APB Reloaded you can buy the best weapons and armor from the store for real money. Meaning you can roam around in body armour that takes a ton of firepower to destroy while wielding a grenade launcher that can instantly kill players and destroy vehicles. A normal free to play player cannot get access to these items, they are only available on the store for real $$

So if you want to compete with the wallet warriors, you have to become a wallet warrior yourself. The only other option is to not play at all. Because no matter how much time you spend playing the game. No matter how strong you think you are, you’ll never be as durable or as deadly as someone who spend money on those items from the store.

World of Warcraft is not even remotely close to being pay to win, and the fact that you have to twist facts and shift the goalposts to justify your claims, shows just how weak your argument really is.

Its pay to win period. As usual the people who continue to dismiss it have been mentality conditioned to accept it.

It’s not period

You died during the kill, remove the achievement, you got carried.

Yea it is and it will always be.

What about people who die early in a fight? Do they not get the achievement then? Sounds pretty bad to me.

It was sarcasm, the game is not built, as plety people already pointed out, as you need to complete or do x% of mechanics to get the reward, so yeah.

Egocentrism is the summary on this thread go ahead and close it.

That’s sad.

It tarnishes it for anyone that does earn those legitimately.