Pay to win


Here we go again.

This discussion will not go away. Get used to seeing threads on this topic.

everything thing can be attained eventually if you play the game properly. all in due course

now! the “pay” to win concept is some people just want a quick means to an end. and that’s the stark reality

Sure. “Eventually”. So if a new player wants to play this year but ends up being stuck in a grind that will last an entire year, and he can pay cash money to hop skip and jump his way to what he needs to start competing, of course that’s not pay to win.

“Pay to win” is a continuum. It’s not a matter of “only pay” or “nothing is sold in a cash shop”. How it works in game design is there are boring, tedious, time-gated, or player-gated mechanics and systems that can be skipped by paying real money.

Some games have none of these. With some games it’s totally in your face from the first hour you play, what item you can buy to skip that time-gating or that boring grind or to level faster.

With wow it’s somewhere between those ends. But being able to pay cash to buy gear and achievements that permit someone to upgrade their gear before the expansion ends is definitely a pay 2 win mechanic. And making consumables so expensive that elite players have to sell carries to pay for their habit of playing a game they paid for and pay monthly for, yeah. That’s all part of it.

Keep pretending. You are not convincing anybody that there’s nothing “pay 2 win” about a game that has these mechanic.

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Paying additional money to bypass standardized game mechanics is always pay to win. This includes carries. Most of the people who argue against it have been mentally conditioned to accept the poor behavior.

Yep. Wait till final raid and the mount reveal.

Last mount of the expac. Oh you wanted to cheat your way to achievement and win wow!

Nah dude/dudette. They were charging 500k. I wanted the mount. That achievement means…gets in sylvanas mode…nothing. Mount was the goal. Mission accomplished.

Which to some yeah…we don’t really care about them. I got 1000 hours in Skyrim,easy, no achievements. Turned off on mod install. And I will always play with at least unofficial patch. And ordinator. Paarthanaax dilemma…you know. The core must haves.

Either that or they’re working on a PR project.

So nothing has changed since Vanilla.

Got it.

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Nope. Or vanilla tbcc redo.

Best deal you were getting is 50 gold with a summons thrown in.

And it wasn’t boosties buying…our package gold wasn’t covering that lol…

Whatever you want to believe, dearie. Being able to buy 20 tokens every week was a totally vanilla thing.

Got it.

Yeah I think after thinking about it my fear might be coming from an irrational place.

If someone is spending 400 a week……I am not sure whether to laugh. Or say they need to seek some help.

Or…say look at real gambling. 400 a Week to blow….statistics says it pay out better in time really. Or casinos at that point would be comping quite a few meals possibly. So they’d have that.

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I got some of those and I never felt I ‘won the game’. This isn’t that sort of game, you never ‘win’ it.

or they have played games that actually ARE pay to win. There isn’t any ‘winning’ involved in OP’s list, they are just achievements and achievements are a dime a dozen in this game.

I used to play a game called Evony and people would spend $5000 or more a week when a new server opened and get so far ahead of others, they could totally destroy everyone on that server. That game was pay to win. For Wow, to be like that they would need to sell power gear in their cash shop for $500 a piece. Gear that would normally take people 4 months and a lot of playing/skill to get. In addition, WoW would have to be a total PvP game which it isn’t and winning means you take everything from the loser.

That’s nothing for a whale. Whales are people who measure their progress not in content completed, but in how much they were able to get for their money. For them, money is no object. When they have maxed out their tokens for the week, they can still find players who are willing to take cash to buy what they want. They will spend thousands in a day when they are in the mood.

These people are the target demographic now. Check out what Josh Strife Hayes has to say about whales.

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No, the game isn’t pay to win. Stop making these crap topics.

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Thanks, Ion.

That’s about as original as this beaten to death topic. Good one!

It is pay to win. Purchasing the token to pay to bypass or be carried is paying to win. Like I said you and the others just have been mentally conditioned to accept it.


Buying a run isn’t pay to win. Getting the gear isn’t pay to win. You bought your way to it, you haven’t improved, thus you’re still garbage at the game. You win at nothing if you’re getting dominated at 250 in PvP, or getting kicked from groups because you’re performing poorly.

Yes it is. You just proved my point again by being mentally conditioned to accept it.

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