Pay to Play? Pay Pets Having Unique/OP ability

Do any other pets have the ability to rez other pets? with some pet combinations that can be quite OP…

If not, I think a free pet with that ability needs to be added in game otherwise, we’re heading down that slippery slope of providing OP ability to paid services, which is something blizzard should avoid doing.


It’s been out for a while now and havent seen a complaint about it being OP in pvp.

It’s a very niche ability in PVP with many counters to keep it in check. Basically, if you’re opponent is sporting DoTs, AoE’s and/or priority moves, the Raise Dead option is essentially useless and on a sub-par pet at that. Not OP at all.

PVE is a different story, but those battles are a joke as it is.

If you wanted to accuse an exclusive ability of being pay-to-win, Righteous Inspiration should have been your original target.


I agree they should add a few other pets with resses following the blizzcon pets.

Haven’t encountered even one tho in my Find Battle grp…

Actually the top 3 rated battle pets are obtainable outside of the shop: Anubisath Idol, Unborn Valkyre, and Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling

Of course there’s a lot of comps out there but shop pets aren’t really all that OP—for example Shadow is extremely weak!

Warcraft Pets is a great place for rankings if you want to take a look-see!


I would add Ikky there he top of meters in most of the BfA fights.

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ACTUALLY, in the current meta, the top 3 pets are as follows:
Hermit Crab
Twilight Clutch Sister
Fiendish Imp

with honorable mentions going to:
Fel-afflicted Skyfin
Wyrmy Tunkins
Sneaky Marmot
Vengeful Porcupette
Stunted Direhorn
along with
Darkness and Sunnyday trash teams

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Raise Dead is pretty strong when combined with a mechanical pet with access to Armageddon/Explode. Since these moves specifically state they don’t activate the mech racial, they’ll still have it proc after being revived and can use Armageddon/Explode a second time.

Outside of this very niche application, it’s a pretty weak ability.

I love the “Actually”—I’m not claiming to be super into the meta, I stated that my information is from Warcraft Pets which is more community based and may not follow Meta. My information is solely from there as I use it for other player advice, ratings, and as a tracker for my collections.

Regardless though, it seems that you have reaffirmed the point that the best pets aren’t solely from the store.

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I dont even use my Finduin anymore. Skill 3 doesnt reset debuffs and passives, you just have a plain 5% hp pet and if the ressed pet is very slow it probably just die, dont get me wrong, the skill is strong but nothing like previous blizzcon murlocs.