Patterns with Patterns "Weekly" Seriously?

Couldn’t just wait till next week, eh? Couldn’t give people just this once a break? Nah. We wouldn’t want to do that, now would we?


Can you clarify if rewards were affected by turning this in before the fix? I’m talking rep reward mainly here. Would hate to be behind a day because of it.

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As a human, I got something like 1350 rep. Don’t recall if that’s the exact number but it was close. I’m now at 3400 into Honored.

non was 1250

This just proves how you completely miss the point. Making the quest weekly was the right move. Making it take 3x the effort to complete is such a boneheaded decision. The point of making it weekly should have been to alleviate the se as of urgency to the players. To remove the chore-like feeling that you had to log in and get it done NOW. By changing the % compensation received from the various activities essentially negates that. It’s a clear sign that whoever is making these decisions couldn’t care less about the actual impact on players. This may come as a shock - but having to open 3x as many treasure chests, or do 3x as many world quests, or 3x as many whatever activities - is JUST AS BAD when it’s one quest or 3. And no, it is not an enjoyable way to spend our time.


Thats funny because I turned it in before that happened. lol.

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And you got way fewer rep points than those who didn’t. Yes, hilarious!

I completed it before the fix and got 1250 reputation, how much is it giving now?

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I don’t think so. I’m already honored. And I don’t really farm rares unless I’m near one.

it was giving 500 rep before so I think 1250 rep is the correct amount

If some of us who completed it received less rep, we should either be granted the balance of that rep that was supposed to be given or have a second weekly to make that up.

Its a 3 day quest… it was a fine pace before. I dont want to actually be forced to do it for an hour each day because news flash. Some of us cant.

I hate these treadmills that are required.

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Then explain how my progress bar went from 97% full to 55% full.

Cant be lowering that played time metric. everything about shadowlands has been trash. i come back because flying was set at 2 weeks then its changed to a month. well ill get flying and unsub not a problem. the game is dying its week 2 into a patch and i cant find anyone to kill rares with… such a sad state of a game i loved.

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I know you had nothing to do it with and are just the messenger. But how do they take the game down half the day to make changes and then screw the player base with a “hot fix” when the figured out 5 hours-ish after the fact that it wasn’t working right. Not really way to foster that good will that Blizz needs right now. Should have been like “well we messed up but we’ll get it next week when it rolls around”. It’s like hot fixing a raid boss when it’s HP is at 3% in the middle of fight and putting it’s HP back to 55%.

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NGL, this quest design seems to be intentionally designed to force prolonged play and to hurt those that can’t play every day. Korthia could be knocked out in 45min tops. This requires multiple days or multiple hours of grinding. It’s stupidly punishing for no good reason from a gameplay perspective. I get y’all have metrics to meet, but your metrics aren’t fun and they aren’t content.


just do the dailies and world quest for 2-3 days and the world boss. pretty sure that will be all it will take.

they really can’t make it quick enough for you and leave other people with any amount of content to do. The every three day thing was better because in my opinion though.

Lol, so give in to their bad design is your answer. No. That’s just encouraging it. Sorry but that’s a bad answer to bad design. They could add real content to the zone without focusing solely on a grindy “fill the bar” garbage design.

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yea aint that something. the gluttonous overgrowth is stilled bugged 2nd week. but yet they can instantly put in a hot fix to make something take “longer” typical blizzard.

and as for patterns with patterns biweekly if you were in right place at right time and the rares lined up and you did the 2-3 wq’s that was an easy 15-20mins TOPS bar filler. if nothing lined up and missed rare after rare still a 30-40 min bar filler.

only blizzard!!! they will cut 2 inches from the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom and tell you that you now have a longer blanket… /sigh

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No, It was fine. Dailies give 10%, WQ give 10% you can knock out the whole weekly in about two days or hunt some rares/treasures. If you want WQ and Dailies to give less % then make treasures spawn like crazy as in Korthia. We have to be able to complete the whole weekly in about 45 minutes in one sitting. I’m doing it on multiple characters, It’s going to become a chore…