Patrician Cromwell?

Blizzard please look at the level 2 bosses apparently other ones are ridiculous as well. Cheers.

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It’s not a ripoff of ff 14, it’s a ripoff of any single player rogue lite game out there.

I just solo’d as a DH 2nd try.

i also cant kill.

class with good leech and self healing can do it. everyone else, sorry


I got him down to less than 3%, but died on my last attempt. Then i realized I had extra lock stones in my bag that I never used. This is how I did it on my WW monk.

Blow every CD you have to start. Use Diffuse Magic to counter the shadow bolt volleys and keep kiting so you don’t stand in the bad.

After your burst window is down, use Transendence to run away. STOP engaging altogether. Just run and heal yourself back to full. He won’t cast his debuffs on you unless you’re in melee range, but he will still cast his volley and floor mess.

I set my port on the left side of the pyre, on the ramp going down. Once my cds & karma came back up, I re-engaged him.

Kiting and healing yourself is more important that trying to burn him down. In those small windows you have everything go for it. Transcendence is your best friend here.

If I had drums or use the lock stone that was in my bags, I would have killed it. Going to try again tomorrow, this time fully buffed with everything I need.

This boss is no joke. Hope this helps.

I got it to around 30% on my ret pally. Doesn’t matter what i do I get eaten alive. Later in the fight I get hit for 3/4 of my health while everything is on cd and already low on mana from flash healing.

Thought I might try to get more gear then remembered blizz decided pve needed to be ilvl scaled for some stupid reason so more gear will make it worse

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Yep my best attempt was around 34% ish ~ before it just whooped me.

Blizzard you honestly need to review these bosses in Flopghast, thanks.

I think Torghast is a lot of fun in theory, but I’ve definitely run into multiple end bosses that are significantly more difficult than the rest of the mobs in the floors leading up to it. This one in particular crushed a Layer 3 run of Upper Reaches that a buddy and I were doing. We were able to handily clear up to that point with absolutely no issue, but were unable to defeat Cromwell even with all the buffs and planning in the world. His abilities literally one-shot me towards the end.

Blizzard, please don’t put bosses in the game that haven’t been tested.


Nobody ripped anything from the garbage that is FFXIV

This. 110% this.

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OK BOYS, Just beat her/him(calling this thing Mx from now on) pretty easily on my lock. I used my pet to get aggro, the blueberry. And then used the “move to” command to have her running from one side of the fighting area to the other. If no one is in melee, Mx. doesnt cast that ability that buffs, so keep her moving. I would go the extent of my range one direction, then do the same the other direction and DPS in between. Good luck and god speed.
153 ilvl, Aff lock, with AoE DPS traits, so WAS NOT PREPARED for this boss.


I beat him first run I just needed to use my defensive cds better and interrupt the plague cast, warrior arms have 0 self healing so it shouldn’t be a problem for all other classes. btw spell reflection doesnt reflect his casts because its aoe

You got lucky. I got this boss as fury. There isn’t enough healing available to survive. Even if I use ignore pain I still have to, you know, hit the damn thing and it keeps casting the expanding pools of Sh1T on the floor. SO I have to either strafe or back up, constantly. Nope. If this is how its going to be, I’ll pass on this. It was fun right up until this thing. Ilvl scaling is garbage.

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Bring friends. :+1:

Destroyed her on a survival hunter in 1 go with out dropping below 90%hp

The trick is to play a class that’s OP at Ghast


yea, that works when your guild is in America and you are in Japan. /s

facerolled this as enh shaman

It’s very tough.
I was lucky enough to get a borrowed power that made my condemn interrupt every strike, that way half the time I didn’t any any interrupts. Even with that I died several times.
The +hp from killing rats is good, but I bought health potions and run away and try to break LOS, with my “second Wind” I could heal as far away as possible

We were 4, a rogue, a monk, a hunter and a warlock. It was IMPOSSIBLE!!! With all that interrupts, after 10 stack on the boss, nothing works anymore. UNBALLANCED for a layer 3. Terrible decision Blizzard…as always. The entire Shadowlands is like that. I know people abandoning toons they played for years because they can’t stay alive on open world. Jeez, set your sh$t together, Blizzard, because the money is already in your pockets.

Druid and frost DK here. Also impossible, tried many different times. Super frustrating after having literally no issues with anything else. Blizz, this was reported in beta too. Fix your stuff.