Pathfinder outdated now

The arrogance here is pretty breathtaking. If you don’t want to play the Massively Multiplayer Online game the way that the developers intend because it isn’t convenient enough for you personally, you know what to do!

But you know and we all know you won’t.


Look up “ersatz.”

You used to have to pay thousands of gold to activate flight in TBC and Wrath. It was a significant hurdle, way more tedious and at times more time consuming than merely being asked to play the game as intended.

It’s amazing to me that you seem not to want to have to do that even for a period as long as the initial leveling experience of an expansion.

So many words in your post, but it amounts to not wanting to play the game as the developers intend. Why are you still playing?


I thought it was world of waitcraft.
Anyone remember that Peggle addon? Used to play it in Molten Core

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If there’s something I’ve really come to appreciate in these later years of my life, is the ignore button.

The peace of mind it brings is unparalleled.

There is arguing in good faith, with compelling arguments, and then there are those kinds of takes that aren’t even worth the time spent reading them.

These topics are a good farming spot for new entries to add to the club.


You don’t need it.
People who are crippled, have degenerative brain diseases, missing bodyparts, or are otherwise incapable of using their limbs to their full capacity might, though.
There isn’t really a discussion to be had against this on the matter.
Blizzard is fully capable of implementing old world flying from the get-go, and should. People who love this game shouldn’t be incapable of experiencing it just because they’ve had a bad roll in the genepool or an accident.



My main’s IO says I can handle much more than that. My AOTCs say something very different than what you say.
Your pejorative opinion of those of us who don’t like skyriding is just that, your opinion.
“As I like it, everyone should like it, as I can, everyone should be able to” is a very, very biased worldview.

Not all of us go through the game running like rabbits after a carrot, some of us enjoy the journey. Let us enjoy as long as it doesn’t compromise your gamestyle.
I know very well that the Board of Investors prefers active subscriptions rather than players who believe they are superior to others. It’s all about Benjamins


what did those people do when there was no flying for 9 months at all?


They walked with terrestrial mounts. You know.

I would love for them to one day put Pathfinder but tied it to achievements with pet battles. Ahhh how some are going to scream thats today talk about “skills”… :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Good choice, responding to fatuous posts aren’t worth the energy.


Not sure if you did know it, but “ersatz” is a pretty basic German word, which is also used occasionally in the English language. What you don’t know about me: I am German, living in Germany and pretty fluid in my mother tongue. So don’t worry, I know the meaning. :wink:

First of all, I know about the struggle of getting the gold for BC flying and for faster BC flying. I don’t play since yesterday.

Next, I don’t even plan on using static flight at all, it’s about people who actually need it. You might have missed it, since you completely ignored me mentioning it, there are people with impairments which hinder them from using dynamic flight.

Why should they have to watch us speeding over their head, while they have to walk through everything. And before you come with “it only takes 8 hours” or something, on foot you’re way slower with basically everything you need for unlocking static flight.

As mentioned, I wouldn’t have a problem with having both flight modes gated behind the current pathfinder achievement, so everybody can have roundabout the same levelling experience. No matter if they’re physically able to use dynamic flight or not.

As I said above and in other threads in the beta board: I plan on using dynamic flight. For me personally there is no reason for using static flight. I simply don’t need it. Some others do.

And we both know nothing about the developers’ intentions, we can only make assumptions. So don’t tell me I don’t want to play the game like the developers did intend. Especially if you only read half of what I did write anyways.

PS: Damn…I must have been pretty sleepy this morning. So many typos in my other post…


Normal flight has only been available immediately at launch for Cataclysm, and they have long since acknowledged that doing that was a mistake due to how it mechanically undermines the intended gameplay experience.

I am truly sorry for anyone suffering from any of those maladies. I am super glad that they have the opportunity to find fun in their lives with video games. You are asking though for the devs to compromise their intended design for a video game that thousands and thousands of other people also play simultaneously in the name of the convenience of people who’ve seemed to have played just fine over the past two decades. Not even having to wait until the end of the leveling experience seems to be good enough somehow, in spite of this being the lowest bar ever set to clear.

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The leveling experience is designed with flight in mind for this expansion. The intended design is literally to experience flight.

Quoting a decade old expansion spoken by people who are marginally not even at the company anymore is really the height of a bad faith argument. This not only doesn’t apply anymore with the introduction of Skyriding, it’s just not doing your homework.



Nothing fatuous about my argument, friend-o. It’s an MMO, not Skyrim.

People play this game a lot as a single player experience, but it is not and has never been a single player game, and they are designing for the entire audience. I don’t think it’s too difficult to understand how a system they initially included that they later determined seriously undermines the gameplay experience they wanted to provide would be something they’d want to find some balance around.

Before you go and say “people can just decide not to use it,” you know and I know that that doesn’t work in an MMO. In a multiplayer setting, people are heavily incentivized to take the path with the least resistance possible to achieve their goals. This isn’t Elden Ring, where you are free to make the game as challenging or easy as you want, for whatever reason; it’s Warcraft, where you more often than not want to get where you’re going as fast as you can and get done the tasks you need to as quickly as possible in order to be ready for the gameplay you want to take on with your friends and others.

The devs would like for players to feel like it’s still a world to interact with and feel like a place, just for the initial quest experience, this time. They believe that old flight compromises this design goal too much for it to be immediately available, but you’ll get to have it right after that! That’s all we’re arguing about here.

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You’re the one who said they didn’t care about the developers’ intent for the game in favor of your own convenience! It’s hardly bad faith to call that argument lousy. Unsurprising that you’re unwilling to try to justify it, because it isn’t justifiable in an MMO.

Lots of other games out there with mods that can make them as convenient to play as you like. This is an MMO though, where there’s a lot more at stake than just how easy you want to make things.

Since static flight was the only form of flight before DF, we can safely change that to: Before DF, flying was only available immediately at launch for Cataclysm. With DF they did only allow “dragonriding” in the beginning to promote the new form of flight.
That way it makes a bit more sense. Especially because it might otherwise sound like there was an alternative to static flight before DF. :wink:

Again, you’re making assumptions. You don’t know what the devs intend.
And if they would really intend people to only use dynamic flight and would want to make sure, people would use it more, they wouldn’t lock it behind an achievement, that is fast and easy to get, if you’re able to actually use dynamic flight.
I am also sure, that you strongly overestimate the amount of people who’re not having trouble using dynamic flight because of some impairment, but still would prefer static flight.
For those who are able to use it, it is the superior flight mode. You’re way faster with basically no downsides, for us abled ones.

Exactly my point. For the entire audience, not only people without impairments.

But the fact is, after the achievement, which is a low hanging fruit for people who’re not impaired, you actually can do exactly that.

Which is, even with both flight modes unlocked, for most people still dynamic flight.

First of all, if you make assumptions about the devs again, let me make some: TWW is designed with flying in mind. With the current setting flying is impossible in the beginning for some people. So they have to struggle on foot through a world not made for that.

Also you’re cute if you think there’s more world interaction with dynamic flight. I would probably see more of the world and interact more with it, if I wouldn’t constantly rush through it with dynamic flight. Dynamic flight in itself is more interactive, but it does actually make you interact less with the actual world.


Not to complain too much but…· ride along is still a thing. Might help.

Oh I nearly forgot: Since it doesn’t affect you at all, if other people are using static flight, while you’re using dynamic flight. Unless you wanna tell me it would tempt you too much, if you can chose static flight. I don’t see your problem with people being able to use static flight from the beginning.

I get what you mean, but while WoW is still an MMO, the need to use ride along is basically forcing the affected players to take somebody being able to use dynamic flight with them just to be able to fly while leveling. While everybody else is able to do it without. It helps clearly, yes. But I guess you can see what I mean. It’s about it being accessible, not about being able to find somebody “able” who can take care of your experience. :slight_smile:


Just trying to offer a solution to the problem ><

Of course I would! I do it now. Makes maneuvering around the Emerald Dream and farming mats super easy. That’s the point, isn’t it?

Oh don’t get me wrong. That is how I did see it. No offence meant. I do see you’re trying and I do understand your thought. :slight_smile: