Pathfinder has proven its point

Pathfinder is the compromise solution, they wanted to, and still want to, remove flying entirely.

You hate pathfinder, we get it. The alternative is no flying period. Take your pick.


Difference between discussion and people spam creating the same thread every two hours.


I like pathfinder, you are angry at the wrong person here. I just wish it didn’t take a year for pt2.

My ground mount doesn’t give me vertical movement in a 3D world.


I guess nursery school is on holiday. So much :sob::sob::sob:

Multiple threads on the same topic ARE spam.

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Because once you’ve done everything with pathfinder staying on the ground just adds tedium and nothing more.

I would not mind it costing gold but only after a patch. That way people are doing the story and such on the ground with each other.

So you want it to bypass things. As I said.

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Because nothing ever changes in wow does it?

Why do you think it’s so set in stone? We had flying at max level for 8 years and they sure changed that.

stop making pathfinder qq threads please. this is what #7?

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Wait so you kill every single mob from point a to point b? You engage every single player you see in conversation or pvp? If not you’re just bypassing everything. Might as well not play.


Yes. Its gold and pvp fun times, skinning on my skinners, cloth for ah. Usually there’s a quest related to the mobs in the area i am in.

All I know is that I don’t PvP and flying never hemmed up my gameplay. Probably the best thing they could have done was limit it on PvP realms and not on PvE realms, but then they shattered even that with Warmode . . . what a mess.

Thing is I was on a PvP realm for years, few people were bothered by flying. The reason for WM was the declining popularity of those servers as a whole. People got frustrated with roving death groups, at least that’s what made me leave them once and for all. They didn’t want merges, they wanted to keep server identities, I get that. So rather than just ending PvP servers as a whole they added WM. Sadly all this did was create a new type of monster. You know the ones who start threads because PvP happened…

Take away the bonuses, you’ll see how popular WM remains. As for the anti flyers in wPvP they can keep whining, it won’t change, hasn’t since the advent of flying in TBC.

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So you never skip anything? I’m sure that’s a completely accurate and honest answer.

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Good call. The anti-flight sentiment was totally looking for a problem literally no one had.

I do a bit, after i get flying.

This isn’t about me. I’m fine with the system as is.

Deflect more.

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My point is it’s fine to skip stuff once you’ve done it multiple times. There’s no reason flying should be time gated. At all.