Pathetic Faction Balance Management (Again)

It depends on the no changes crowd. This entire thread is about changes and are things that won’t happen in Classic if there are to be no changes.

It’s great that they did something in one isolated area one time in the last week, but on a healthy PvP server, organic WPvP skirmishes would be happening throughout the entire world at all times. You need balance for that. Without balance, you’re just left with the “last stand” type PvP events that you mentioned.

Eh, I think it’s a stretch to say this is a “changes” thread, as what I’m proposing is at an account level and has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay, or anything else at that level. Besides, they already offer free transfers. I’m mostly suggesting they just refine who they’re offered to.

So you come here and say pvp is meaningless when in fact PVP gear is the best gear of the game and want to eliminate factions. Boy, so much retail garbage it hurts to read.

As for the no changes, completely irrelevant, Blizz opened free transfers and some servers got shafted. Heartseeker is a solid 8:2 allies, Herod the opposite. It is a situation they created and they should fix it.

JuSt ReRoLl To A pVe SuRvHuR


Its never going to happen, all the horde that makes post addressing this issue, its somewhat blizzards fault, a lot is the players fault. Horde for years have dominated pvp servers, most players that want to pvp roll horde. A lot of ally dont want to deal with the hassle of being targeted every time they do something, so guess what? They transfer off a horde dominated server, quit, or go to a pve server. This is always going to happen, its an issue in retail and will be here. These threads always start with a horde pvper trying to address pvp servers.


Did I say that? No. Go back and re-read it.

Here’s another angle… What’s stopping members of the Horde from rerolling to Alliance? Classic will be around for idk 2 years minimum and it’s been out for what 2 months? If you’re 60 now it won’t take you long to get 60 again. And you don’t even need a guild to raid. There’s that many options Alliance side. What’s stopping you?

Just a thought.


Sorry mate meant to quote that lvl 12 druid alt troll.

Pathetic Faction Balance Management

NONEXISTANT faction balance management, you mean.

They’ve deliberately made things worse by opening free transfers on already imbalanced servers without making the transfers faction specific.


Explain to me the logic behind this:
1- free transfers open up
2- entire allies guilds xfer Stalagg-HS
3- ratio is now 8 allies 2 horde
4- gg reroll it’s your fault

The vast majority will transfer off when paid xfer opens, or just quit the game. And if you need to ask why spending another 8 days of playtime and be light years behind in progression isn’t a big deal, well, idk what to say.

I really wouldn’t mind say a 60-40 server, but I know for a fact some servers will become one-sided and ultimately, a pVe server.

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Minority faction players “accept the transfer” at a higher rate because of imbalance. They would prefer a balanced experience.


I’m not going to delete my raid-geared lvl 60 that I’ve sunk weeks of time into.

Even if I did, it wouldn’t do any good because the problem is too critical to be resolved by a few players rerolling. Blizzard needs to step in and provide a compelling incentive for a substantial amount of people to switch. Otherwise, it’s just going to be like throwing drops of water into an ocean.

Private servers have balanced factions because they actually put measures in place like faction queues to ensure balance. Blizzard has very poorly balanced servers because they won’t do anything to address the problem.


We keep hearing these same suggestions over and over and over again.

They won’t work.

No one who is on the dominant faction has any reason to want to leave their server and go to a server where they will be a minority.

No one who is on the dominant faction has any reason to faction change.

Free faction or realm changes are not an incentive to change for people who didn’t want to change.

Bottom line: your proposed changes will have zero effect on faction imbalance on PvP servers.

LOL. Players don’t want faction balance. That’s why they have always stayed on servers where their faction is the dominant one. 60:40 seems right to them. 50:50 seems like there’s too many of the other faction.

Minority faction players want better balance. but there is nothing Blizzard can do to change that balance, given that it is entirely dependent on other people who don’t want to change faction changing faction.


I said that some of it is blizzards fault, they should have put some restrictions on server transfers ie only opening up faction transfers between servers and putting a cap on some. We also have some blame to this, most people on a pvp server want to be on the faction that is dominant. So when that opportunity comes up to transfer, they will. They are looking out for themselves, not for the health of the server. I don’t see many horde dominated servers transferring to ones that need help, they like that advantage. Those brave few who stay end up quitting the game or leaving to a server where their faction is dominant or to a pve server thats less stressful. This is how it will always be on pvp servers.


Correct, which is why Blizzard needs to step in and provide an incentive. The players cannot, and will not fix it on their own with no intervention, which is the whole point of this post.

If a server is 70:30, queue the 70% faction and offer a free transfer or faction change while they wait. 30% faction would get right in. Keep increasing the queue time until the server is balanced. Queues work quite well, and that has already been proven.


I am not understanding why you think a free faction change would be an incentive.

Like, what queue? There are no queues. Do you even play classic?

Queuetimes have never resulted in enough faction changes to make a difference. During wod Horde had instant bg queues and Alliance complained about half hour wait times. Nobody changed faction. We ended up with merc mode.

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I nominate you to be part of the solution and not the problem. You should delete your raid geared toon and reroll Alliance. I can guarantee that you’ll be geared just as fast on Alliance side and you’ll be surprised at the options available to you. Alliance on Herod isn’t like the Alliance on other servers… We do whatever we want regardless of the Horde presence. It’s been proven time and time again. And you’ll feel a sign of relief when you come to the realization of how well we have it over here. Something you’d never know being on the outside looking in.

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People don’t naturally roll 80-20 unless, as we’ve seen, entire guilds are given the opportunity to transfer together.

Also to those saying everyone wants to be on the dominant side, not true. Many of us enjoy fair / tough fights and I guarantee you given the opportunity ppl will transfer. Can’t honor farm if your ennemies are hiding in dungeons or quit the game eh?

Right now on some servers BRM is like a maximum security prison. Your hands are full of soaps that you keep dropping and getting ganked in the donker.

I never complained about uneven fights, it’s how classic is, but legit having access blocked to BRD everyday is just stupid, and so are the players that enjoy that kind of fight.


I have absolutely no idea what you’re even talking about. There have been queues since day one on full servers. I think you may need to re-read some things?

Exactly. An individual will rarely make the change on their own, but if a GM can move a few hundred people over, for free, then that makes a huge difference.


You must not play on relevant servers during prime time. There are always ques on the big 3 during peak hours.