I’ll make this simple to explain why it was broken.
I’ll make this simple to explain why it was broken.
Okay, so, I play this game mainly for roleplaying because I haven’t been a fan of the whole “Hero of Azeroth” story that has been going on. Most of my characters are neutral or factionless entirely. I’m only hoping that this is an accident on Blizzard’s part and they’ll make an actual attempt to fix it.
The loss of this addon–while it doesn’t outright kill neutral-RP–does make it a little less enriching when the only people you can really “talk” to about being neutral is people of your own faction.
I have to agree with the others, this does feel like the addon itself was specifically targeted despite the good that it has done. It got more people to come to the Tournament of Ages which, in itself, was free advertisement for Warcraft when the ToA made it on Forbes.
I cannot stress this enough, Blizz is making a big mistake with this. One that I hope is fixed soon.
Adding my support to this. Cross RP has made the game so much more enriching RPwise.
Adding my support to this addon and hoping that a solution could be found that restores its functionality. It was one of the things I really enjoyed about the new communities function and Blizzard intentionally breaking the addon would be disappointing, to say the least.
I have met SO many people through this addon and have made wonderful friends and stories. Since this was affected I actually have felt discouraged from participating in the game. Roleplay is really my striving force to keep playing this game for over my six years being here, and this addon was a fantastic boon for it. I don’t want to see something like this get removed.
I think this is another point that should be considered. RP is a lot bigger than people outside the community realize. I mean, MASSIVE. As massive as raiding and PvP? Probably not, but it’s also not a demographic that should be ignored, morals aside. RPers should have a voice. Especially considering most of our wants and requests are lower maintenance than any other play type.
CrossRP, more than anything else in recent, has helped me find a more diverse group of Role Playing folks. It made the 2018 Tournament of Ages event on Moon Guard the most immersive and probably one of my favorite experiences I’ve had since I started playing way back in TBC. While I hope this was an oversight to try and cull some other problem, it really needs to be addressed. It has changed how I’ve approached RP, and really revitalized a lot of the community as a whole as others have said. It is a large part of the reason I continue to play, and it’s block has really curtailed what I will be able to do. The author has my full support here and I hope there is a solution that can be implemented to return it to working order.
Alright so before anyone forgets, these are the restrictions for the Cross RP addon:
These have a huge amount of restrictions outside of RP realms… and for a good reason. People who are in these particular realms play the game in another way, which is RP, or Roleplay for those that are wondering what that is. It’s another way that people have found a way to enjoy the game and to interact with the other players outside of the game’s mechanics and evolve a different story.
Tournament of the Ages is one of those big events in the realm that people interact with one another. The Cross Faction RP helps break the language barrier from the other faction so we can RP with the other faction. It has proven to be a success and it was one of the best addons for RP in general. Reconsider it if it was intentional and if it wasn’t, help out the RP community as a whole and have this back up again. RP communities is more than just a fight between the Alliance and the Horde. Sometimes, there’s something more to it and it helped out.
Support for this. I’m not a full time role-player but the feature this add-on brought to the game made the experience a lot more enriched, especially at the tournament of ages this year and the events that led up to it (the burning). There was a lot of fun stories and arguments in character and resolutions in character. Would love to have this feature back in the game.
Please fix this Blizzard, if it were not for Roleplay and the amazing community I would have unsubbed a long time ago. WoW is a rich universe full of amazing players that make it feel alive, and this addon absolutely made that entire experience better.
Please please please work with the developers to fix whatever have may blocked the addon from working. I know it make a huge difference for a lot of people.
It did for me, making the Tournament of Ages a thousand times better and so alive! Walking through the event being able to speak to anyone was amazing and one of the most memorable experiences in the game I have ever had!
Please Blizz make this work, it will be completely worth the effort! Just as the improvements to sharding made the Tournament that much more memorable.
This addon is amazing, I recently started using it thanks to some friends and fellow role players just to communicate during small events with the other faction.
Kanndra demands Cross RP to talk with all the horde people!
Raiding happens two times a week usually.
For like four hours a day, maybe. What is there to do in the off-time? Roleplay!
I mean, unless you want to grind out the same stuff every day.
Letting the addon work only helps the community, not hurt it nor take away.
I’m incredibly saddened that CrossRP is no longer functional. As someone who regularly attends Tournament of Ages and has participated in smaller guild cross-faction events, it made those events so much smoother. The use of bnet messages and groups to RP cross-faction is ultimately archaic and un-immersive. This is a huge detriment to neutral RPers and many upcoming events that were planned with the utilization of the addon.
Please Blizzard, consider fixing the ‘fix’ you made.
Sorry for the third post in this thread, but I have a story. Immediately the Battle of Lordaeron dropped, which was shortly after the CrossRP add-on came out, Hearthglen became a bona fide cross faction RP hub for a week.
Folks from both Horde and Alliance seeking refuge from the blight with the Argents. There were medics tending to the wounded on both sides. My troll helped out in the kitchen alongside a human boy and a night elf.
Seeing the casual cross-faction walk-ups, working ICly with the Argents to secure the area, and even the tension when Sylvanas loyalists stopped by to threaten the Horde members present, it was REVOLUTIONARY. There were SO MANY people on both sides, and we could TALK to each other!
Throwing my support in here too for seeing if we can get this fixed. I’ve seen this addon used extensively since it was created to great effect first hand. Not only is my guild a cross faction based in game organization, but we’re also part of the larger Roleplaying community as well.
Without this addon, a lot of events, and organizations that have cropped up simply wouldn’t be as effective as they had been, and I attribute this addon to having helped revitalize the RP scene. RP-PvP events, Community festivals, story time circles, and even just personal RP moments are all affected by this, and I already know of at least a dozen or so people that are so disheartened by it not working that they don’t want to play anymore because it was easy access to their friends that enabled them to tell their stories and engage one another.
And personally I’d hate to see all of the upcoming events and communities that the server I play on has planned either be diminished or closed down because of Cross Faction RP being unusable.
Yes, this! I’m a Ren’dorei…but apparently following Umbric meant VE’s suddenly forgot all Horde languages we may have known when we sided Alliance after Alleria stopped by?
This addon makes sense for lore. It only enriches, not detracts from.
I fully support Cross RP. On another character my guild is a faction neutral trade guild so it will have a tremendous beneficial impact on us and the stories we write out. On this character my guild is thinking of expanding into RPPvP, which would mean Cross RP would be very beneficial to us all if we work with Horde guilds interested in doing PvP battles that we can tie into the ongoing war.
TL;DR: This addon is a great thing and it should really receive the support it deserves from Blizz to continue it’s functionality in the future.
Cross RP has enriches the Role Play we can enact on our own. Many people in the role play community feel shut out, unheard, and unloved. There are some advancements being made, and I’m hearing some cheering from the community (albeit a very little) for some of the customization choices you’re allowing and expanding on, but there is a lot to be said for neutral or cross faction role play. With the fact that many NPCs talk and interact across factions, the fact that we, the player and payers of the game, cannot, makes little to no sense. I’m always left bewildered when a troll NPC can automatically talk to a Kul’Tiran pirate, and I can get quests from her to cause a mutiny, and the leaders can talk to each other, but we cannot.
The languages feature is an amazing one, but shouldn’t be an insurmountable barrier. If the NPCs in World of Warcraft can learn other languages, then why can’t we. Either let us have Cross RP (easy fix to make), or give us a way to learn other languages (harder fix, maybe tie it to reading certain books across Azeroth).
Thank you for your time in this matter, and my it be resolved soon.
Going to throw my name in to all the expressions of how much positivity this addon brought to the RP community. In an expansion based around faction warfare, it allowed for stories exploring the results of violence, the struggles of those outside of the armies and soldiers and how the war affects the daily lives of those not so involved with politics. Smaller stories, more personal stories.
The addon was built to be HIGHLY opt-in; you had to join the community of people you wanted to interact with, and THEN you had to turn it on manually in game. No one who was not choosing to engage in this sort of storytelling was being affected, or harassed, and no gameplay was being exploited and trivialized by the limitations of its use outside of instanced content.
Please, Blizzard, consider how important this addon has become to the roleplay community, and restore functionality to the code.