Hi Blizz! I’m what you’d call “factionally ambidextrous”. I play on both factions fairly equally, and greatly enjoy doing so. My mains this expansion are Sarestha-WyrmrestAccord, and Crazyprophet-WyrmrestAccord.
For me, the Cross RP addon has made RP in general SO much more vibrant and interesting. I (and most RPers I know) do not use the addon to ignore the faction war, but to RP characters from Neutral organisations, who don’t WANT to get involved in another war, or to engage in crossfaction communication that makes sense.
If I may give an example, Sarestha here is 100% Horde loyalist, and, in the same style as Nathanos, angry about the Alliance abandoning the people Lordaeron (or at least those who became Forsaken). But she was a Paladin, in life. She has a past. And Cross RP has allowed me to roleplay, albeit briefly, with a Lordaeronian paladin, with whom she has a rivalry of sorts - two old friends who got thrust onto two different sides of a war. It’s been fascinating to RP, and has made for an interesting (and I think sensible) experience.
I’ve been able to hang out In Character with a large group of friends, even if they don’t have alts on one faction. I’ve been able to pursue emotional stories of friendships broken across the boundaries of a war, which is possible in a world with elves and humans on both sides of the conflict (in a manner of speaking). I’ve been able to go to server events and gatherings that make sense for my character, and not only have to hang around with my faction. I’ve been able to interact In Character with the enemy, in the same way as we regularly see in actual quests. There’s just so much good in it. There really is.
So Blizz, I know I’m just a filthy casual who loves the story. But I do love this story, and this expansion. I may never have an interest in raiding above LFR difficulty, but I’ve had pretty consistent game time purchased since Cataclysm, with my breaks usually amounting to a few days, not a few months. I love this game and am committed to it, and if my little voice among the tirade carries any weight, I humbly ask that you restore functionality to this addon OR create an in-game function for crossfaction communication. It might seem like such a small thing… but it matters to RPers. It really does.