Patch 8.1 and Cross-Faction Roleplay

so I was testing this in dal and maybe we were confused or, it’s a bug: but currently once you take the potion, you can’t click to simply to toggle it back off, you’ll still understand them. maybe relogging/porting resets or once the initial time runs up it’ll go back to being gibberish if you dont understand it. not…fully sure.

Just sat in the Underbelly with about thirty people from both sides talking. The guards went away and everyone was cool and no fighting broke out. Good times ahead.


Thrown in my like, OP. I’m all for RP.

And you assume Blizz cares about this at all? They’re far more concerned with breaking any other addons that they deem to be threatening. I’m sure that’s how the RP addons got broken, and will never be fixed.

You are a bit late to the party. They literally just offered an alternative and we’re all cross-faction chatting in underbelly right now because of it lol.


considering the Q/A today,and the fact they did address within the 3rd question, AND they hotfixed the potion is.

yes, yes they did care and did do something about it.


They cared about it so much that it was the third answered question in the Q&A, and they instituted a solution on a Friday afternoon, but nice try there buddy. <3

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I have to ask if you watched the Q+A at all, or even completed reading the thread… They made a potion specifically to help out with cross rp and its already implemented in a hotfix. Its live. They care. Its here. Right now.

You gotta read the whole thing before you comment, my dude.

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Well, hopefully they’ll include a potion that’ll help me remove my foot from my mouth.

Thank you very much for this, Blizzard. I apologize for accusing you of intentionally breaking the mod.


We did something really cool here. All of us, and especially Tammya, should be proud. We came together, we supported the community, and we were heard. That’s not something you get to see on the internet every day.

You guys are all awesome. Safe travels, and happy adventuring!


like i said : blizz might not always do great moves, but sometimes when they listen to the community it’s often a pretty good middle ground.


Success! Emotes might not be available, but that’s understandable. The emote channels are literally faction locked. They’ll have to implement a hotfix if they want to make us able to see what each faction is emoting. If they do, then hey, it’s an absolute victory! Well done, friends!

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As I understand it, Tammya is working on a fix, too? I don’t mean to put words in your mouth, Tammya, if that’s not the case.

If that’s the case, the elixir could effectively be a bandaid while we wait for a more effective solution. Either way, this is awesome.

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I did not know about this add-on as someone relatively new to WoW and now I wish I had because I’ve enjoyed the moments in game I’ve teamed up with an Alliance player against a tough world boss. Best we can manage are pre-set respectful emotes to express gratitude.

I hope this is fixed so I can actually rp as a faction neutral character.

EDIT: Oh, so it seems the Potion of Tongues just was hotfixed in. I need to see about getting my hands on one of those.

They added a potion that allows Cross faction RP! This is magnificent news! If it can be made to translate the same way Cross RP did (including emotes), then this potion would be absolutely fantastic! It’s not the perfect solution, but it’s definitely good enough for the time being, until they one day lift the restrictions entirely. …perhaps make some kind of “RP Mode” system that’s entirely opt in? That’d be neat…


I agree. Blizzard is notoriously wary about this sort of thing, but we haven’t really had so many issues in the past, so perhaps if this works they’ll continue loosening up on restrictions. It may be easier to justify as well, since I recall reading somewhere that this was meant to be the final faction war. If that’s true, that’d be nice too.

I remember hearing that too, and I really hope it is. This expansion’s really drained on me badly to be honest with you …I just want to save the world and punch demons and find cool treasures in ancient underground cities and all that kind of stuff. Adventurer stuff!

…I also wish we could have player housing islands. That’d be neat. Seriously, ever since I started getting into Island Expeditions I’ve wondered what it’d be like to own an island to oneself…


The potion is actually already hotfixed into the game ! IT is indeed 1 hour :slight_smile:

I want to thank Bliz for listening to the RP community and giving us this fix! ^^ And I want to thank all of the people here who’ve been able to remain so positive and discuss this issue politely. ^^

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((I’m upset to see what has come of this add-on. It was such a fun add-on please bring it back blizzard))