Patch 8.1 and Cross-Faction Roleplay

That’s only an example bud, not a follow to the rule suggestion.

That’s why points 3a and 3b exist.

I responded to all three points.

Only suggestions, don’t need to dissect it like it’s an opposing argument, mate.

Huh. Weird. I only see your comment about 3c. -shrug-

How very strange…

It’s still bullet point 3, but it’s all semantics. Carry on.

715 messages and no blue…tad frustrating.


All we can do is keep at it and hope they listen eventually.


I really would not expect a blue response in this thread, or within the next few days. This is something the actual developers are going to have to deal with, and there’s going to be an inevitable lag between community personnel finding this is an issue for players, relating it to the devs, and getting a response.

Do keep at it, though! Blizzard isn’t oblivious to constructive input. I think this is a very good thread, striking the right balance of making it clear this is an important issue to many of us while remaining pretty polite and constructive in tone. That’s exactly the best way to get their attention, I think.

But it’s going to take some patience and perseverance.


Then I suppose we have to stay vocal about it. Will be a true shame to see these interactions die off. Or rather become even more of a hassle again.
Hopefully it is even addressed in the Q&A tomorrow.

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Amending this, but not editing the post.

A suggestion for a group of friends, or guildies from the perspective of Horde would be hatch a heist for Old Ironforge, and seek to steal what remains of the ritual that turned Magni into a Diamond Dwarf in hopes that it’ll give some insight related to Azerite, or something else.

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It is poopy, but it makes it more likely that this was not an intentional thing. I seriously doubt Blizzard launched a full-scale chat addon shut down and didn’t even address it. Not to mention there’d be no reason for it.

cautious hopefulness intensifies


Gonna be my last post for the night but I’ll be watching the Q&A hoping for some answers- even if we don’t get one, keep on voicing your support for Cross RP and Tammy’s hard work!


I … just …
If you’re doing PVPRP and don’t want the other side to see your stuff, don’t have crossrp enabled? Don’t install crossrp and suddenly you’re still playing the same game with the same people you were before and roleplaying out while doing game things like pvp and raids and whatnot.

I’m struggling to see how pvprp is affected in any way by this addon.




keeping this fresh, also, where would I post to ask about CRP in the upcoming QnA?


Bumping. Seriously Blizzard. Just let us have this.


:point_up: Don’t forget that bumping threads is against the code of conduct. Try to think of some question or comment to add to discuss about to keep the thread going. :smile:

Honestly… As much as I would like to have a personal response like that from Blizzard regarding this subject, I feel like this is a niche topic that not a lot of people who play the game would understand, so I feel like it’d be better approached here on the forum or something rather than in their Q&A video.


Just adding a bump of support to this. Seems a prime case of corporate myopia on Blizzard’s part, as the add-on simply reframed the existing Communities feature into a format useful to roleplayers. Thank you for all your work on this, and I hope this decision gets reversed.


I attended ToA this year for the first time, and used CrossRP. The feeling I felt seeing WoW players of both factions talking, bickering, flirting, and generally having a good time was the best feeling WoW has given me in a long time. I really hope this gets fixed.


Blizzard stop being the fun police and fix it.

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If that’s true, being able to understand the other faction in rp pvp campaigns are only helped by this.

Leaders can talk to each other
Prisoners can be talked,investigated, or if both parties willing,tortured.
The execuse" talking only softens your urge to kill " is faaaar from true on rp servers.