Party Sync Overpowered Level 111-119 Bracket

I tried party sync as well the only people who were getting destroyed were the people with hardly any hp people like 30-40k range anyone above that which most of the people in the bracket were around 50-70k were doing just fine nothing broken about this bracket

my biggest complaint is the fact that they disable gliders they need to fix that

I would have to disagree. Bracket is extremely broken with the 120s scaled down gear. They are at twink levels right now minus the anniversary gear. Azerite gear traits still work. Ilvl scale should be 273 and not the 300 it seems to be giving.

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I checked its 284 its not 300 haven’t really noticed that huge a difference tbh either its not that broken I even did some on my 115 priest

If you’re still leveling a character in this expansion and are honestly trying to do it through BGs, you deserve to be miserable.


That is still too high when the 119 dungeons only drop 273 not counting timewalking. A 119 would also have to be fully geared also in which you would level out of the bracket trying. This is if you are 119. 111-118 gear ilvl is lower

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Why? Alot of people prefer to level through BGs instead of running the same BFA dungeons over and over. Its rediculous to have a group of 120s queue with a 111 and just dominate whichever BG they get because of the gear scaling


Where is my favorite mage?

Sounds like a git good situation.

Also we apparently are avoiding the topic of secondary stats.

Meh with everything like enchants and all that disabled its not that huge of a deal honestly its same as just some specs being busted I have ran into 6 120s so far and they all were killable hell we even ran into a premade of 4 120 party sync people and we won and I was on my low lvl priest at the time we had no 120s

we queued into the 119 bracket because we had a friend group going and one person was leveling their 119 alt and only needed a few bgs to hit 120. domination happened, but it wasn’t the goal, playing with friends was.

if anything the healthgap between top level pvpers and fresh 120s is far greater than 120s and 119s.

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I don’t know, maybe because battlegrounds are and always have been notoriously the worst way to level outside of mining / gathering herbs…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You know BGs used to not even offer XP, right?

Just because it might be the worst way as far as exp per hour does not mean it is not a way people enjoy leveling. Yes i am aware BGs used to not have exp as you can see from my achievements I was playing day 1 achievements went live


That’s fine, but that’s pretty silly.

Can we get this fixed? Who is the retard who thought implementing this would be a good idea? Can’t even play my character through BGs without some party-synced 120 one-shotting me. Working as intended though, right? Screw this game, not even sure why I decided to come back.


I know the feeling I had hunters 1shooting ppl with over 50k a druid who had 5 ppl on him and pretty much just laugh at us bcuz we did no damage at all. this shouldn’t be allowed. if they are abusing the system then report them, its what I’ve been doing.

Btw the people saying is not that bad. don’t play with a 120 try it out with a 119 or below against someone with over 430ilv. I just had a 120 in my group saying is not that bad. yeah he was the only 120 the rest of us were getting 1shot.

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haha right. wow and their logic at balancing stuff. I got about 10hrs left of membership.

284 is pretty high, the average range for this bracket is 210-250 or so. thats a big spread but most players fall in there somewhere

if you work at it you can get a leveling character to 250 or so and get some games in before you level out of the bracket. its possible to push 280+ at 119, but you will level out of the bracket in like 3 games at that point with exp on

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I saw a 119 warrior with 270-280ish gear earlier and that was in greens and blues its always been that way the higher lvl of the bracket gets the higher gear and lower versions don’t have gear and sometimes even spells depending on the bracket

some people might lock exp for pve and then unlock for pvp

if they never lock they will probably only have like half a level left for pvp by the time they hit 280. its very possible to hit that level but it leaves you with little time left for bgs unless you do an exp off exploit

So yea just had a silvershard mines match on my 115 warrior where a survival hunter was camping the entrance and just killing the entire team with serpent sting. I was able to armory and it was a 120 at around 398 item level…
We couldnt even leave the spawn because of a single player…

120s are scaled down. If you armory someone it’s going to show their max level and ilvl. But in the actual bg, they scale to a certain template. If not, report as a bug.