<Paragøn> [Area52] 6/9M ATDH - CE Focused Guild - Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST - Recruiting for S4 & TWW

hey man just seeing your message, feel free to message me on discord: lrtwenty7
i’d be more than happy to answer any questions on there. (:

im required to bump this post but this guild is the shhhhh boys

Bumping this post

bumping post

Bumping post

Bumping the post.

Bumping post

Bumping for visability

It’s a B U M P.

Bumping for visibilitty

Bumping for all the fresh meat to see

bumping for visibility

Bumpity bump

Bumping this post

Bumpity bump bump.

Bumpin, heck yeah.

bumping this post

It’s a m’f’ing B U M P.

Bumping this post!

Bumping pots