Pandaria Remix: Bronze

Arguably the hottest topic right now is Bronze, as it should be. This single currency dictates the entire event from your gears ilvl (Which affects the Tinker gems put in them) to what rewards you can buy from the vendors. Naturally one would think with a 2 -MILLION- cap on this currency it would flow like water into our pockets.

My biggest concern is that Pandaria Remix, which was advertised as a lulzy fun mode to go back and smash things to get old cosmetics, pets, and mounts, has turned into just another grind fest because its the only formula Blizzard knows. We are witnessing the umpteenth time that we will start temporary content with a giant wall in front of our faces only to have that wall slowly lowered over time by Blizzard while they “Hear and Understand” us.

The latest hotfix takes the reward from all 7 caches for the day from 1750 to 8750… but thats for all of them combined. Per 24 Hours. This is not even a real effort to make things better. At that pace you would still need to get all 7 boxes for 4.5 days to afford a single tier of upgrades (Upgrades cost you 38,530 Bronze to take every piece to the next ilvl).

We need a real buff to SOMETHING in the remix. This content isnt going to last people 3 months, it was never designed to last 3 months on the basis of pure grinding. This doubles more if players are also playing Season 4. We need either substantially more Bronze than what is being offered, or we need a price reduction on gear upgrades so that people can reach that hugely powerful state we anticipated without having to find the next grind spot every other day.


It feels weird like the proper way to play is if you do not farm early just wait for the buffs to come in, which was similar to what Plunderstorm had happen. I think a large issue is upgrading gear is waaay overpriced and I think there is a potential fear to nerf that cost now that some people have already max upgraded their gear but I don’t think it should stay as is because it feels bad for anyone entering the event to see these geared people and know they have to put significantly more time to get that equivalent gear because the original methods like frog farmer are no longer possible.

I feel a lot of remix runs counterintuitive to the lessons the main game has learned:

  • Bronze really should not have been used for both upgrading gear and cosmetics at the same time, it was a lesson Shadowlands taught not to have player power tied to aesthetic choices.

  • Upgrading gear on a character should provide a discount on bronze to the whole account for that item/ilevel which is something upgrading flightstones already uses on live

  • Earning the achievements for the ring/trinkets/necklace on one character should enable all characters on that account to buy it off the vendor


Recent changes just went out this morning, one being the ring/trinkets/necklace can be bought across the account once unlocked so that is a great change also a new change has been done to give 40k bronze to people who did not farm frogs.

Source for more bronze for non-froggers: WoW Remix Adjustments and Improvements Coming Today

I think that while it is a bit messy this is probably a good solution that can be done without overtly nerfing people who spent hours in farming but also provides a way for people to get cosmetics on alts easier while encouraging leveling alts which was one of the appeals of the event.

I still think bronze being the same currency for upgrading gear and cosmetics can feel very limiting but at least the option is there for alts to get cosmetics more easily.

No matter how much flak you are getting across the board, Blizzard.
When you make changes to improve the state of, and the quality of the game. We appreciate you.

Even though the gamemode may not have played out to your specifications.
Many people have had a blast so far.
Even with some things in wanting.