Pandaria Portals Gone?

That’s what I’m suspecting: prep for the portal rooms.

Shattrath and old Dalaran used to have these portals too. They have since been removed as the game progressed. Only ones currently there are to SW and Org.

I am sure portals in Ashran and new Dalaran will eventually be removed to.

My original point was and still is, that as the game progresses they remove portals from old hubs. It is a non issue to get upset about.

OK. Then don’t be upset about it.

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Yes they have and that was my second point. Considering how they have removed old portal hubs fairly early into new expansions, it was surprising the Mists ones were still present.

/le sigh…

WOW WTF!!! Those portals were super useful. I am extremely livid right now.


This really devalues my challenge mode portal to Mogushan palace.

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Excuse my Norwegian derp and not keeping up with Wow news… but what are portal rooms?

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“They’ve done it before, so shut up” doesn’t address the fact that it’s a pointless, unnecessary change that benefits no one.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that this is the first time it’s ever happened. They’re upset because it’s a pointless, stupid change that literally accomplishes nothing but inconveniencing players.


At Blizzcon, they mentioned a plan to consolidate all the various portals that are spread all over the place into a centralized location.

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I just came here to mention this, after I hearthed to Pandaria to get to Dalaran instead of flying all the way the heck out to the harbor.

Is this some kind of equal trade for getting a language potion nonsense? :rage:

Then they might want to think about a) portals to Darnassus, Pandaria, Shattrath, old Dalaran and New Dalaran in Boralus and b) a separate hearthstone to Boralus, because this is bunk.


of course the portals were there since the content of the zone, your point is meaningless. youre either a troll or an idiot.

theres portals in dal, to all of the places the pandaria portals took you AND MORE. in fact, im fairly certain theres a pandaria portal in dal too. if using the new dal hearthstone for a hub so your regular one can be set to current content is an inconvenience, then my concern shifts to how you function on a daily basis. the answer to this imaginary problem is literally in your bags and you jsut cant seem to figure it out

Must agree.

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It is utterly asinine to think this change was in any way justified, but to anyone arguing that it was, the only time portals have been removed was in Northrend Dalaran when Cataclysm launched. That is not a “trend”, it happened ONCE.

Moreover, Warlords of Draenor’s launch marked the official end of Mists of Pandaria. That took place in November of 2014. Which, for those who aren’t capable of basic math, was over FOUR YEARS AGO. If it was remotely important to remove the portals in the Vale, Blizzard likely wouldn’t have waited nearly half a decade to do so. The fact that someone, in December of 2018, decided this was worth even a few hours of development time is beyond ridiculous. There isn’t a single person who asked for this among the entirety of the WoW playerbase, and serves NO purpose whatsoever other than making traveling around what is at this point a massively fragmented and disjointed world more tedious than it needs to be. The Vale portals were just a hop, skip and a jump from your Hearthstone point at the inn in either Shrine, and were nearly perfectly positioned. And they were removed for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Or certainly no reason that doesn’t involve purposefully making the game more tedious.


People were using them to get places quickly, doing things quickly is not allowed. (Also why they doubled Legion mob health to make up for the leveling increase)

Anything at all to make random crap take longer than it should.

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When and what is supposedly happening?

I assume you’re talking about the portals in the Vale, but I was just there and they’re all there. Is this on PTR?