Pandaria Dragons in Dragonflight

Just tossing out an idea. But since they introduced the idea of natural wellsprings with chaotic properties of change, and expressly compared them to a similar geographical feature in Panderia… perhaps a branch of protodrakes drank from the pools of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and were transformed into cloud serpents. One of those ended up becoming the wild god Yu’lon.

“One day a pandaren was eating a bowl of noodles, and one of the noodles fell into the mystical waters of the vale. The waters of the vale seeped into the noddle, causing it to wriggle and undulate up and down. Curious by this, the pandaren took another noodle and dropped it into the water. After a few moments, the pandaren was stunned to see that suddenly the first noodle had sprouted eyes and was looking at him. The second noodle soon had eyes, and a long snout…continuing their undulating dance as they wriggled around. As they consumed more of the magical water, they grew in size…absorbing the brilliant reflections of light that danced upon the surface to cause their noodley bodies to glow vibrant colors. Bigger still they grew, until they were larger than the waters they embodied. Vigorously, they continued to wiggle…wiggling so hard that the noodles lifted up into the air, and began to ride upon the wind. The pandaren looked back at the bowl of noodles, then simply dumped the rest into the mystical waters. Years later, these creatures became known as cloud serpents.”- Loremaster Cho


It would be/is the most Pandaren thing ever for their mounts to be created from food.


What if dragons are result of adding cloud serpents DNA to protodrakes. Elegon is a titan AI and have cloud serpent form.

Regular dragons have a face closer to cloud serpents than to protodrake + four proper legs

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It’s quite possible that the Cloud Serpents were on Pandaria first and the titans based the Dragons uplifted form on the Cloud Serpents. The Titans just felt the need to improve the form and bulk them up.

I do see a resemblance there, vague as it is. Why they would add wings when the serpents are capable of flight without them is what has me curious

Idk but the dragons on Panadaria are way cooler looking, cloud serpent is one of my favorite mounts.

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also classic protodrakes do not have horns, while dragons and serpents have similar ones

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