Pandaren heritage armor

mogu stuff would be pretty dope

warrior ToT tier is amazing minus the hat

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If they’re smart, it’ll be Chen’s armor.

Of course, Nelfs won’t be getting the armor they should get and the Sentinel Moonglaive is going to only DHs, so
 I have little faith.


I’m the most hype for pandaren armor, despite the Darkspear being my favorite race and tauren being a close second.

I’m not sure what I’d want for it, besides maybe celestial themed pieces.


Pandaren is the only heritage armor I can’t really conceive of that hasn’t already been made. The art team’s gonna have to pull out something crazy on this one.

A bib and bottle

For Darkspear I imagine they’ll get something similar to what Zappyboi is wearing in the Old soldier cinematic, that would be great. I’m sure the team will do a great job with whatever come up with, all of the heritage armor sets look great so far. The blood elf one is the only one that is kind of a let down so far.

I like the blood elf one. I dig the spellbreaker look and the tunic toggle is amazballs, too (pls for Nightborne armor too).

Zappyboi and/or something like the Darkspear Pride armor is about what I’m expecting for Darkspear armor. I dig it.

You don’t like the blood elf set? It’s very much spell breaker gear, which is what a lot of people have been asking for for a very long time. :frowning:
I’d use it if I went BE, for sure.

There’s a mail set (now mail and plate) that players leveling through the wandering isle get to wear. It is NOT currently moggable.

If they elaborated on that design, I’d be down for it.

The cloth set from the Isle is already available from tailoring, and the leather is Ji’s signature outfit, but the mail/plate hasn’t been seen since.

Having two sets, one for each philosophy, is also an interesting idea, but one that probably wouldn’t happen.

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I could’ve sworn Ji’s armor is obtainable. I don’t know its name though - I think it’s one of the vendor armor sets meant for levelers in V4W?

I wanted to, and I was excited for spellbreaker gear but it just looks really underwhelming, I can’t place my finger on it, but I don’t really like it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not terrible, I really do like the gauntlets and the shoulder armor, but the tunic and and robe kind of rub me the wrong way. I don’t even care that it’s not skimpy.

Maybe it’ll grow on me, I’m still planning on wearing it come 8.1

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Fair enough - personal tastes and all. I do wish it was a bit more plate myself because spellbreakers are close range (though not quite melee) units in WC3.

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Nah, you’re thinking of the Forest armor set (questing greens leather), which comes in a variety of colors and looks a little like Ji’s armor, but just a little.
Pandaren players get versions of it all throughout their questing (if they’re rogues or monks) but they’re commons and can’t be mogged.

 you can get Pennyroyal Pants from leatherworking, which match the model of Ji’s legguards. The rest of the set is not available, though. EDIT: Come to think of it, Tailors can only make the pants for cloth too. The starter robes can’t be mogged.

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That’s actually what I don’t like about it. I was hoping for a more armored look! But I guess they wanted to make it more palatable to cloth wearers and leather/mail users. Maybe they’ll add variants based on armor type in the future, that would be great.


Might be the pants and or boots, at least for me, that’s the only thing I don’t like but I still kind of dig it.

Yeah, my first reaction to it was mild astonishment that it wasn’t more armored. I mean it’s more of a subtle set that’s clearly focusing on the elegance and grace of the sin’dorei instead of their combat capabilities. In that regard it feels very much like what a WC3 Blood Mage might wear.

The shoulders on that set are legit though.

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I kinda hope its something like you’d see in Street Fighter. Like what Chun Li wears for the girls. Or Ryu’s outfit for the boys.

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I was going to link some Samwise Didier artwork, but they seem to have given up on their artwork site, Sonsofthestorm.

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I know this is an old thread, but if Pandaren Heritage armor isn’t just an updated version of Shado-Pan armor, especially with the helm Rushi the Fox wears, then Blizz messed up.

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Wheres my Night elf Heritage armor tho

Night elf druid was my first character ever made back in 2008. :slight_smile: