Panda Bear mount

There is a polar bear mount…

You can ride the suramar fox?

chuckles and wiggles toes

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Why is it never someone with like 5,000+ posts? :thinking:

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what does it look like and where do you get it

I think it was a Anniversary mount… think it was called the snowstorm bear. There is also the white polar bear mount you could get from the storm peaks…

Panda bears don’t exist on Azeroth.

Those are Blizzard promotion mounts.

It was a limited time exclusive mount, can’t get it anymore.

This one too.

yes they do or there would not be padarians

I expect you to buy me dinner with extra dumplings before any panda riding is going to happen.


what about a dumpling mount :open_mouth:

There was one you could get in Storm Peaks… for daily quests also…

Ah, Marraige!

Good thread

so we all decided we need to bring the panda mount to life and get this for the next patch or expansion

would it be the black and white large panda or the red smaller panda

More bears is always a gud thang.

Congratulations, you mounted yourself.


If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys? - evolution doesn’t work like that… not even in WoW’s twisted version of it.

But I’m with you in one thing, a cow riding another would be strange. A bear riding another is strange. I couldn’t picture a human riding a monkey either.

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I would like a panda mount.
Also would like a panda druid that turned into a panda bear.


you should post that druid idea