seriously any time we even get a moment of fun blizzard takes it away because the horde cries in the amounts of oceans when they cant consistantly farm us in pvp. Finally they had somthing to go against that would let them feel what true adversity was like and now its gone because of collective whining, yeah im glad i moved on to the alternative.
honestly the nerf itself isnt that bad , its not like they took our melee attacks away which im shocked by now they havent done so yet which is probably next because screw paladins right. Meanwhile lets continue allowing boomkins to global people for more then their total health 36+ meters away, yeah they failed
Horde have been asking for them to nerf Divine Shield for 8 months lol. I’m perfectly fine with Blizzard finally caving. This change to Divine Shield does nothing to stop us from absolutely wrecking in PvP so long as we have enough PvE gear.
EDIT: Now admittedly the fact that Retribution is wholly reliant on PvE gear to even stand a chance of being viable in PvP does suck quite a bit, but Divine Shield, nerfed or not, wasn’t changing that fact. I’ve made my peace with it at this point I suppose.
the problem is its been in the game for over 20 years… and now they decide to change it???
i wanna start complaining about rogue stunlocking maybe they will finally put that to an end
i mean if they are gonna start nerfing core features like divine shield after 20 years then yeah the floodgates have been opened lol why stop there?
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Uh yeah… they changed it to the Wotlk version of Divine Shield? Arguably, a necessary change given SoD Ret is far closer to the Wotlk version of Retribution then it is to the Classic version at this point in time.
It’s not the first time they’ve altered a classic ability in SoD outside of runes. Might not even be the last.
But seriously, Classic Divine Shield made attack swing 100% slower because attack swing was all Ret had. It was a trade off that made sense. Now, all of Ret’s strength and power is in Judgment and Exorcism instead of weapon swings. the old Divine Shield does not make sense with SoD Ret. New Divine Shield does.
EDIT: You guys all know you’re playing SoD and not Anniversary Classic or Classic Era, right? Changing things is kind of the name of the game.
God mode bubble should not be able to deal damage period. Just look pretty in that aura.
Did priests collectively cry this hard when dispersion was changed? Lmao
Your class is still viable in PVP.
The only difference is now PVE dads can’t 2 shot people inside an offensive bubble.
Honestly, they really did. In fact, there were way more threads made by priests crying about it then there have been made by paladins yet. Though time might prove me wrong.
Maybe. 50% is hefty but we do a LOT of burst damage with the right PvE gear…
Now we just need to get seals unpurgable because devs caved to a DMG nerf in bubble that’s actually going to be a net buff because they removed the ats nerf
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Feel bad for alliance, they really need these kind of things with 0 counterplay to dont surrender at BGs.
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I’m excited I can now spam /chicken to a sissydin in bubble without fear of getting globaled now. Rare win for Blizzard!
Paladins were never doing the damage they are now with the old bubble. It’s pretty easy to understand the change.
Tell you what, you can have your old bubble back, but you get your old damage output as well.
Its because Paladins weren’t doing a ton of damage 20 years ago, they were straight up auto-attack bots(lol amazing game amirite classic andys!?).
You’re still gonna be really strong in PvP, you just don’t have a literal IWIN button on a short CD anymore.
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I mean vanilla ret was still tons of DMG it was just more rng based and in very short windows. Auto crit with an aoc crit into repentance judge soc crit was a 1 shot every time
I simply want to see all the disingenuous wankers who just wanted Divine Shield nerfed to still complain about paladins.
Not saying the change is bad, because it was frankly needed, but the goalpost will be shifted.
No they werent, did you actually play vanilla or just watch some highlight videos?
It was either wear them down with ret or hope for reck procs plus having bis gear. And even then you were still wearing them down with autos. Vanilla paladin damage output was a shadow of what they are now.
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Everyone’s DMG output was a shadow of what it is now. I played ret in real vanilla before bgs before mc all the way until lk. U also didn’t play reckoning u play 9/11/31 or 0/20/31 for hoj CD I used to use a hybrid of t2 warrior offset pieces and mage off set pieces to maximize crit while picking up a little int. So many people don’t even know soc judge does like 75% more DMG to a stunned targets in vanilla you could also still twist autos and twists judge. It was all super lucky based rng but a lucky crot string with a soc prot a judge of command was always a 80-100% hp… We are also talking pre Aq with a heard of woe
Having 2k DPS in bwl and doing 4k in a 2 second window on rng aren’t the same thing
Hell it’s the same reason why seal stacking exodin with truthbearer SoM/SoR is fighting for bis DPS for ret pve but seal stack soc/SoM with a slow weapon is lower then shockadin in pve DPS a 5 second snap shot of burst(what happens in pvp) =/= reliable dps
They already started by gutting VE from 15% to 5%
Good. With how much damage Shadow does atm they would actually just start replacing healers.