Paladins are the only happy class

Thanks for sharing, bot.

Is this thread in the wrong forum? There is only one pure dps class in SoD which is hunter. Literally every other class is a “hybrid” dps that can fill more than one role.

And hunter brings incredible utility as well, including the only source of kings buff horde side.

Hybrid tax in SoD makes no sense. Every spec should be good at its role, which is what classic always needed.

PS: I’m a mage and super happy, absolutely love the state of mage right now, particularly with healer mage getting some buffs Phase 5 as well! And OMG MAGES GET THEIR OWN BENEDICTION STAFF HURRAY!


Jesus Christ giving paladins horn of Lordaeron has actually turned all Horde shamans into the biggest whiniest players on forums I stg

Used to be people complaining about shaman, now it’s the shaman themselves

They are not happy until they are game ruiningly broken because it’s SoD so they deserve to be the god class

That’s what happens when the class is used to Blizzard coddling them in pvp so much lmao

Yes Blizzard should add 50% DMG reduction to pallies in bubble if they have this much nuke DMG

But the idiot SoD devs are unable to understand basic concepts of game/class design so meh

Shamans received improved freedom. This totem is broken in pvp. It can absorb up to 3 shots or important abilities such as Cheap Shot, kidney shot and others. Why didn’t paladins get an upgraded version of Horn of Loarderon?

horn of lordaeron was there since p1, it was just in some stupid unusable slot.