Paladin tanking tips?

and this is why all the top end prot pallies are running holy shield and dr lol

This isn’t a thread for top end tanking. It’s for a newbie who is learning to tank. They won’t be playing in coordinated groups at a high level. They won’t be pulling the same way or employing the same tactics, and the people they play with will most likely be [often bad] pugs.

Just cause the meta or top players use a certain build or legendary doesn’t mean it’s ideal for everyone else. S1 Fire Mage is possibly the best example. Absolutely useless outside of coordinated play. If you didn’t play around combust, you wasted a group slot because they had no dps otherwise - and yet people were meta-slaves and insisted on bringing one and then were all shocked pikachu when the fire mage didn’t play like Gingi.

If this were a “M+25 tanking tips thread” then I wouldn’t have offered any advice since that’s beyond me. But this is a thread for helping out a newbie prot pally. This is like a kid who is learning how to drive and someone comes in “that’s not how F1 drivers do it lol”.

Context matters.

Diminishing returns on secondary stats includes trinkets and soulbind traits. Anything that gives “rating” contributes to DR.

i understand that this is for a new tank but in your original post you said that you shouldnt use them together. and im sorry but in low lvl dungeons and in high lvl dungeons holy shield plus dr works just fine. its all about preference and to tell someone that you shouldnt run them together is misleading