Paladin Sub-Specs

Dues vult /

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I think a big consideration is finding out which of these hero specs correspond to which two main specs? I couldn’t find that info for paladin, though I found it for warrior and druid. I’m going to go ahead and assume that “Templar” is one of the hero specs connected to “Retribution,” but I don’t know if the other leg would go to Holy or Protection. Likewise, given what we saw of the druid and warrior hero talent trees, the hero talents have to correspond somehow either to abilities that both main specs use, or abilities in both main specs that are roughly comparable (such as Treants and Grove Guardians being the tree summons for Balance and Restoration, respectively).

So what similarities or overlap does each main spec have with another main spec that would allow for a hero spec overlap? A lot of our kit overlaps between all three specs.

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I think that a class subclass should be named a paladin dragoon. There are paladin dragoons in the lightfored ranks. Think it would be a good idea to carry it over!

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My hope for Templar is interactions with our abilities that make us more of a physical damage dealing juggernaut.

What I would absolutely hate, is if Templar shares Ret with Prot, any consecration focus for Ret.

The biggest hopes, would be for spell augments to divine steed or even blessing of freedom that allow us to leap/charge instead.

The even bigger hopes if we are shooting for the stars, is Templar allowing us to use a 1 hander and shield but still function as a dps role.


I agree. Most of us are theory crafting around assumptions. What I’m really excited about is a paldin themed dungeon. New abilities for us to potentially get down the road. Either way it’s really too early and it’ll be radio silence until spring.

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Hoping herald has radiant exo replace boj or how. Would love for it to just double down on the caster aspect of ret and have us incinerate our enemies in holy fire


Glad to see someone else with the same idea

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My statement was directed at the core design, I never mentioned meta. There’s no arguing that it’s very difficult to make well rounded builds and that has nothing at all to do with the players. If you’re implying I am part of that group of “meta sheep” I’d invite you to check the talents I use. I’m all about making builds I like work, but…there’s just not enough here to work with, feels unrefined.

I see why you’re saying this but I do think we should be aware that Templars exist in Warcraft already and they have some really cool stuff, I’d post a link but I can’t, just google Templar or Argent Dawn Templar if you care to :slight_smile:

Anyway, we’ll see what happens!


If nothing else I’d just be happy if Ride of the Valkyries played everytime we popped wings.

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im liking the sound of the paladin hero talents so far.

i hope somehow through the hero talent system they give us that insanely cool consecration animation they scrapped in 8.1 but then gave to the paladin npcs in dawn of the infinitie :neutral_face:

here is a link to the animation:


I’m a big fan of our abilities that deal damage over time as part of their effect. I hope Herald of the Sun plays off that.

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Agreed, they should have used a different name, like crusader or zealot or something.

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Maybe we will get exorcism back boys. Fingers crossed.

This!!! Omg. Could you imagine a Templar heroic leap.

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If we get the last one that would be awesome. Or some kind of extreme defensive cd that turns us into a Templar juggernaut where we are unkillable for 20 seconds or so kind idk Ike demon form of the DH tank spec. Idk the possibilities are endless.

But I think it’s not going to be that awesome unfortunately.

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I thought in the real world the order of the Knights Templar were strongly associated with international banking (before they were disbanded and destroyed as heretics)