Paladin Ret/holy LFG

Hello all,

I am looking for a guild to raid with to finish out this tier and to push forward with into 9.2 and beyond. With some changes in my life and needing to find a raid time that raids later I thought I’d post here. Below I will post my preferences first and then when I am fully available. I understand stand most guilds are on lockout and would also enjoy just doing heroic raid if need be as I gear up and ect. I am refilling to paladin as was my prior main from the last few expansions and moving away from playing toons I don’t enjoy as much.

Preferred times to raid would be Friday-Monday almost any time I’d prefer after 8pm pst but could make as early as 6pm pst work on this days I believe I would definitely prefer to raid these 4 days with a preference to Friday Saturday or Saturday sunday. I can also raid 8pm to 11pm Tuesday- Thursday for the right guild.

Main-pally Ret/holy
Alt- planning resto shaman/ele but don’t have a alt yet with the rerole
9.2 alt will be between mage, rogue, warrior, monk, priest or shaman depending on tier and ect or what one of them ends up being meta.

Looking for a guild that in the future or is pushing into mythic raiding, also wants to push keys and ect together, wants to do other activities in wow and chill in discord, and one that I can grow and develop with.

Ps. I’d prefer alliance as my 2 best friends play alliance

Pss. open to the right horde guild so reach out even if horde

Psss. I understand rerolling effect finding a guild but want to enjoy the game again and go back to a toon I’ve enjoyed for multiple expansions.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this feel free to reach out to me if the times work. Hope to find a guild I can raid with and hopefully get back into heroic road and in time kill some mythic bosses with maybe.

Discord: Armidrian#3332

Hello Rankir

Saga happens to be looking for a HPal if you’re interested in healing, server transfer and faction switch.

Here’s my recruitment stuffs>>

Horde guild of Zul’jin, 9/10 Heroic SoD progression guild, is recruiting. We raid Thurs and Sat 8pm-11pm EST. Guild discord available.

We are a casual raiding guild that also has several members pushing mid-to high level mythic+. We also enjoy mount farming, achievement grinding and other shennanigans. So if you’re only interested in running M+, we have plenty of people that would be more than happy to pursue it with you. Many of us have achieved KSM for season 2.
People returning in anticipation of 9.2 are also welcomed, as well as smaller guilds that have been struggling to maintain good attendance for progression.

The core of our guild has been playing and raiding since wrath and collectively since vanilla. Quality players of ALL roles are welcome but primarily seeking dps of any spec and classes with tank and heal offspec. Specifically in no particular order:

Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
Prot Paladin

We simply ask for you to know your class specs, gear, and general how-to.

Hoarq in-game or on discord @ Hoark#6742
Deyleiri @ The Q#1011

I’ll send you a msg on disc and see if you’re interested .

GL and happy hunting!

Hey I saw your add I’ll reach out today to chat more.

Hello! If you are still looking for a guild here is a link to our recruitment post.[A] <Dead> Recruiting for our Mythic Raid team

Hello, good luck on your search even if Aegis is not the guild you chose I hope you find a guild to call home.

Please see our blurb below:

[A] [Galakrond] 9/10H - Actively Recruiting

Aegis is an adult, LGBTQ+ friendly, Aliiance guild on Galakrond-US. Don’t let “adult” fool you, we’re certainly not “grown-up” by any stretch of the imagination, but we do have jobs, families, and outside responsibilities, so our approach to gaming is understanding of those things. We like to kill bosses with our friends and have a good time laughing while we do it!

Aegis currently has two set roster heroic teams, a two-night t/th 7-10 central and a one-night sunday at 6p central - both have consistently achieved AOTC over the past several years, both currently recruiting. We also run an open invite normal run on Saturday evenings that serves as a launching pad for new raiders, more casual players and alt experimentation. (And beverages and laughs.) We recruit players, not classes, as a rule, and strongly believe our members will have the most fun if they are playing a class that is the most fun for them. Joining the guild is not a guarantee of an immediate heroic raid spot, as the set rosters are up to the individual raid leaders, but I’m happy to put you in touch with those leaders if you want to talk that over first!

Our primary goal has always been to create a home for our members where our relationships with other players are celebrated AND our various adventuring itches are scratched, so while the guild organized activities tend to skew toward raiding and PvE content, our members enjoy a wide variety of activities, from achievements and collections to PvP and gold making. We encourage any member to start a group for the content that they enjoy and are happy to support that if we can!

If you are interested, you can let me know here or you can reach out to me (or any officer) in game. I am always on a character that starts with “Thorn” (this one being my main), or you can ask any member of the guild for me. You could also reach me through Discord: Thorn#2184.

If you are looking for a home, and like to game with good people… Aegis could be the guild for you.