Paladin lf a permanent home

Greetings my fellow earthfury players, i start a bit late but I’m slowly waddling the leveling procedure to be a big 60 boy.

I’m currently looking for a nice guild to stay pretty much forever. I want to raid/pvp, to experience everything that the game can offer. atm I’m really occupy with work so i can only play weekend and maybe a hourish during weekdays so raiding wont be a option during weekdays for me, but it will calm down at chrismas and next year.

Tbh I’m fairly new with classic, i started touching wow in legion, but I’m a fast learner and will do what it takes to be competitive in any content. I got some Cutting edge and some challenger/rival for the pvp side. I like to help other people when they need helps in quest/dungeon/wpvp and make everyone happy. Also I’m doing some twinking on a rogue on the side for maximum bgs experience when its finally out.

With my class, i can play w/e the guild need, i like being versatile and not only stay with only 1 spec, just the talent reset will be costly in the end haha.

If you think I’ll be a good fit in your guild, hit me up in game or add me on the bnet beautiful chat system Fleb#11792

Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Come give us a look. We are one of the larger more organized guilds on Earthfury. We have an established base of players, and we are actively raiding.

Friend Request sent. I’ll be logging for a few hours but I’ll be on all day after that.