Paladin balancing needs to be reconsidered

No concession stands here. However, I can offer you a seat at your ironic ‘my tier set bonus’ whine and diner.

By the way I’m not complaining about the nerf to 100% crit chance 1 button holy shock spam (although I’d prefer if they increased the crit chance nerf instead of remove the reset).
I’m complaining about the needless restrictions / fun removal nerfs that put paladin in a position where shockadin is a 1 button build to begin with. If it was viable to play paladin as a hybrid class, holy shock wouldn’t have to be so overtuned for shockadin to be playable. And most importantly, LET US KEEP SEAL TWISTING PLZ

Did you see the horde whiners about holy shock? They take the cake brother

Blizzard needs to just give up on pvp already. It’s garbage. There’s better games to play if you want to pvp. This is why WoW has a scarcity on healers/hybrid classes. Because they are trying to tune for pvp crybabies and making it not fun/viable for pve.