It’ll help, but it also means more people will be able to get there faster, so expect shorter time to arrive before they’re dead.
Use the Silver Shardhide Whistle. You’ll get there. It takes you almost 1/4 of the way around the map at twice the speed of your ground mount.
I play at 3 am on a dead server. We don’t usually have enough players there to kill them lol.
I went on this afternoon though and got to one just as it died. Not quick enough though so nothing for me lol.
Oh they sure are.
I’m quite literally the only person on my server in stormwind on any given day.
My tip… if you’re in such situation, go and open your Group Finder and look for ZM’s boss near your location. There are bosses popping out on your location on a different shard. Get in there.
Sounds amazing.
My entire ZM experience is this.
Press M, look at where the rare spawn is, say “Oh I wont get there in time” and continue doing w/e menial task they have me doing in ZM.
I wonder if flight would make this problem better.
… or worse.
I want muh lightsabers.
Jump in the custom group finder. These bosses get posted all the time.