P2W People

Who are you talking to?

You keep saying ‘you’ but do not mention a name.

Why not? Multiboxxing isn’t hurting anything; maybe Blizzard should sell the Blizzard approved multiboxxing program on their store. They should sell the Blizzard approved botting programs on their store too. I mean honestly; is the game’s health and integrity hurt by it? I mean, they sell the P2W skip on their store called the WoW token…

^^^ is exactly what everyone who is for boosting sounds like.

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They’d do that, the amount of people engaging in it would be so high that Blizzard would start reporting sub numbers again.

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I mean, I don’t understand why Blizzard doesn’t? It’s not as if integrity is important to them. I mean if Blizzard is going to sell out to corruption and spit on the game’s integrity then by all means open the damn floodgates, let the oceans of botting and multiboxxing rush in.


Depends entirely on your definition of ‘win’. Get the best gear, via gold, run through the hardest PvE content in the game? Buy mounts from content you can’t run yourself? You can buy those as a result of tokens, so it’s sort of direct.

The alternative is Classic where there’s so many bots everywhere because a bunch of the playerbase sadly buys from third party if it’s not available from Blizzard and Blizz doesn’t do nearly enough against those people. I would’ve 100% banned GDKP and boosts for gold at the start of Classic and never sold the ‘dark portal pass’ boost stuff which ruined it.

And yet, if no players paid for carries, then carries wouldnt happen, because its a market force. Ultimately the game isnt to blame for this, the players are. Why so many people fail to acknowledge or recognise that puzzles me.

If you want to blame anyone for the believed ‘destruction of competitive integrity’ or whatever, blame those who pay to do it. Without customers, the market to provide the carries would disappear.

I am blaming both.


I dont have an issue with multiboxxing =) I used to run 6 accounts

But the same software is used by bots thats why it got banned. Traditionally boosts/carries were run by big guilds to fund their raiding consumes etc. When they got mega organised into the boosting communities its because there was a player requirement for it.

Boosting is still happening, its just more low key now and more people go back to direct purchase with the big guilds who easymode clear content. Otherwise they wouldnt have much to bother logging in for.

I like you angry Gnome.

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