Owlcapwn was right, and i hate to admit it

This forum has turned into a string of recruitment threads. Where are all the old PvP smack talkers these days? This usedto be more fun!

I agree, I miss the 100% hate

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Don’t worry honeys.

Maso is back.


THERE’S ONE! Haven’t heard from you in a while. I went on hiatus shortly after Broken Isles, but i’m back. Hoping the PvP guild scene gets more active again. The rivalries, both bitter and friendly, were great fun. What ever happened to screen caps of kill shots against feuding guilds. Bring that back!

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I just came back, gonna finish getting gear, then yeah.

It is on.


I’m not even 400 ilvl yet. Havent been back long, and only get on 1 or 2 times a week.

I feel you. I can play maybe 1-2 times a week these days. I got into med school and I’m working to pay for it. BUT it will all be worth it when I’m done. I hope.

paging Dr. Masokitty


Aren’t they on Twitter now?

Hi Kat :slight_smile: Long time no see.

I tried telling you, but you let faction pride blind you. I’m still in game destroying Horde of all levels. I’ll be killing Vulpera levelers starting next week. You guys trashed me for killing lowbies, and under-geared players - completely ignoring the fact that maybe I was doing what needed to be done. Maybe Owl is trying to keep what little wpvp that’s left in this game, alive… and maybe Owl was right about the forum, too… maybe his charming, humble personality is good for Tichondrius.

Think on it.


Everyone is pretty much still in Classic. And trash talking got old tbh.

Mediocrity usually gets old to mediocre people who run mediocre guilds. Wreck still holding old grudges, and can’t admit that I carried this forum… trash talk or not.

Stay classy, kid. I’m not staying long - your recruitment topics are safe.

Once again Owl you have blown the forums up… I like the attitude you have. :slight_smile: Destroy the Horde Solo like you do. I will go grp mode and see how WSV likes it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just posted a video clip on twitter of a streamer who threatened to kill me on and offline. I continue to keep world pvp alive… at any cost.

This thread has been quiet for too long

I’m pretty sure I’m guildless. Haven’t logged on in like 5 months. Getting a new computer soon. I’m gonna guild with an ACTIVE PVP FOCUSSED guild only. That could be back to or . Both were good places, i just haven’t been consistently gaming in a long time. Excited to come back, and i really hope to witness you out ganking sometime. Just like to see the PvP community active!

I basically took BfA off, other than a few big ganking trips. Now that PVP vendors are back, I’ll be going back to my WoD days. I might even join in on some large scale action. BfA did what no Horde player could do - it killed me.

Omg I’m glad i saw that video before you removed the link lol

Yeah. I forgot about his… large vocabulary.

I had to remove it.

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The old forums was the best, all the toxic post.

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