Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

That’s funny as heck. Gaslights the thread, runs when confronted. Do you work for Overwolf by any chance ?


When I still had an addon up there, you basically earned points based on how popular your addon was, and once you got enough points you could buy stuff from the CurseForge store. Back then there weren’t direct money payouts, but you could buy Amazon gift cards which are almost the same.

Blizz owns Wow and can make all the changes they want, Blizz does not own Overwolf


TIL that installing addons manually is gaslighting from some crazy dude.


Blizzard can tell them to knock it off, as it impacts their business.

Except it does violate the policy.

Forcing people to view ads, which grants monetary value to them, is indeed profiting off addons.

I encourage everyone to email WoWUI@Blizzard.com to make sure they’re aware of what Overwolf is doing, if the forum CMs don’t address it. (At least I hope that email still works. It’s the email listed in the Addon Policy Threads)


Yea, someone was mentioning that was the entire reason that wowinterface has fallen off the cliff, they were running an addon on both but would often not update the WI one because the CF one would get more downloads that way.

People said Wowhead had malware for years but I never got malware from wowhead. People said the same thing about the curse client. Are people just overhyping this “Overwolf is terrible and will give you malware” thing? Is Overwolf actually terrible?

I don’t like ads and avoid them where I can, but if having a few ads in a client I turn on for a few minutes to update my addons throws a little bit of money to the addon developers who make my addons that I depend on, is that a bad thing?

Also, didn’t Overwolf say there would be a way to turn off ads in their client? I don’t see why people hate them so much.

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For me this means I won’t use too many addons anymore. I’ll stick to a DPS meter, DBM, bagnon …

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When you have dozens of add-ons, many required multi updates per weeks, and people could do it fine using add-on managers that are now being blocked by corporate greed.

Yes. Yes it is gaslighting.

You’ve always been forced to view ads to download addons, hell Cursforge before twitch made you pay for an update all button.

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maybe its high time Blizzard made an “official” add-on manager.


No it isnt. Sorry if you’re lazy.

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Id imagine it would be a subscribe to turn off adds thing tbh.

They actually track your app usage and sell your data to third party companies. For example, right now Overwolf is selling data that is being used by NewZoo, which is a market research firm tracking PC video game usage.

You can see here in their help article:

The PC games data available within the Newzoo platform covers a variety of metrics and insights into the engagement of PC players and the performance of games.

The core PC game metrics are obtained through our partnership with Overwolf. Overwolf is a tech company based in Tel Aviv, Israel. They developed an overlay software that allows gamers to install apps that can be used in-game. They have 300+ specific apps for specific games. The Overwolf data sample best represents the male core PC gamer aged 15 to 35.

Source here: http://help.platform.newzoo.com/en/articles/4345617-pc-engagement-data-methodology#:~:text=The%20PC%20games%20data%20available%20within%20the%20Newzoo,a%20tech%20company%20based%20in%20Tel%20Aviv%2C%20Israel.


No, because I accept my CPU & GPU cycles be used for add-ons. The author of the add-on also gets no money from my CPU&GPU cycles.

The ads don’t give me anything and are not something I want or need. Overwolf does get money from them too, which is bad.

  1. Wowhead does not monitor their ads. It’s been proven many times they allowed hostile ads to be hosted on their site. They’ve since fixed most of it, but it happened for YEARS until it blew up the WOW forums and they finally addressed it.

  2. No, Overwolf will not allow you to opt out of ads.


will never happen, why pay for something people are doing for free.

No one said you couldn’t profit off addons. They said you can’t charge for addons which they don’t. If you guys want to “profit off addons” argument then all patreons should be shutdown as well.

Agreeing to pay is still payment.