I think this logic worked perfectly in retail, but falls down when there’s a flagging player base, lots of options, and nothing to do outside of the raid.
This content isn’t new- this is round 2 and 100% based on nostalgia and people being able to feel accomplishment while juggling a different life stage than 13 years ago.
I never said it should be easy, it shouldn’t- I just look at the plopped “Inferno” difficulty, the blanket FL changes… and want them to put some care into it…
sounds like the argument against having classic at all, eg the rose tinted glasses. As someone playing cata for the first time there is no nostalgia.
The problem is not the difficulty of the content its the player felt entitlement towards the heroic gear they don’t want to put any effort into obtaining. I’m quite sure my guild won’t clear 7/7H for a few weeks but we will progress as we gear up.
H+ was bad in wrath and is bad now and will be bad in mop and beyond.
The biggest contribution to dropping player numbers is competition from Retail and SOD combined with 6months of T11 plus the abandonment of cata since the beta.
Have you ever done LK Normal and LK Heroic? I have done it countless of times and the difference in difficulty was completely absurd… And this is the real issue because HC and Normal are not just one difficulty above another where players can expect to keep making progress at their own pace because HC was literally intended as gatekeeping content and this is the most infuriating part because old content should not be used for gatekeeping especially when it barely lasts for a few months with Cataclysm.
Just make it to be rewarding based on the difficulty but do not make HC to be completely miserable and do not gatekeep old content.
This is not a correct comparison, you’re looking at the raid one dimensionally. H ICC difficulty gets steeper as you progress from beginning to end through the bosses. Going from normal LK to H LK without acknowledging the scaling difficulty of all bosses in Heroic up to H LK and saying theres an insane difference shows you don’t know how a difficulty slider works and you don’t know where it is in the game. Its there! Use your eyes.
The smart thing to do would be to nerf it after a few weeks but they won’t do that and we’ll get another drop off like we did with Uld which will probably kill all but the two “pvp” servers.
Lol heroic mode is OPTIONAL same went for hard modes they where…wait for it…are you ready?..you sure?..OPTIONAL. Nerfing content is the worst thing that can be done. especially for OPTIONAL content!!!
Hard to troll or bully, when everything that I said was true …ßurning.
It’s funny how you share the exactly same style of sentence structure, sentiment, and crying style about ferals and EVERYTHING ELSE that “ßurning” does. It’s cute even.
Also… again… I’m pretty sure it’s against ToS to keep making threads about the same topic over and over ie: Feral buffs that aren’t necessary.
Just checked too, ßurning hasn’t posted or replied to anything in 5 days… Coincidence? I think not.
Happy to also admit when I am wrong. After now being in the raids for 2 weeks, they’re probably about right (although I could live with Bale and Rag being a little less stressful ).
Our semi-hardcore group runs 1 night a week for 4 hours and we’re 5 of 7 heroic as of this week, with just lots of videos and prep making up for not running multiple days.
I think it’ll be a long time until Rag H falls, but the difficulty increase was not what I expected when I made this post.
i mean it would still be good to see them put a nerf in either at the end of phase or mid way so that it will bring more ppl into the raid or whatever, by then a lot of ppl that wanna push heroic will have cleared it.
Why though? There’s 4 months and no one will come back for nerfed content, youre kidding yourself if you think they will. People come back for new content and thats pretty much it.