Overgrown Ancient

Not to mention tanks do not have CDs to get aggro on the second burst, so DPS starts taking a lot of stacks/damage that cant be avoided.

My issue in pugs is the bleed.

I play an evoker dps so if the tank gets high on poison I just cleanse it off nbd.

It does feel like the boss itself has A LOT of health though. Highest on acad I’ve done is a +11 and storming is another factor to add into all that mess.

Tempest boss in NO actually seemed ok to me as a healer this week on tyrannical after the nerfs. The healer should be getting 10 stacks of the debuff from running into the orbs since it increases healing output as well as damage output.

The timing on the first tree is really, really tight. My group were all over100K DPS in a 13 and we still barely killed the healtree in time to avoid spamming the circle with the second germinate.

Ok… but the original poster wasn’t following mechanics, no?

Wouldn’t you say that that at least trying to follow mechanics is a lot better than just tunnel vision dps harder sorta thing?

sometimes the green circle youre supposed to get cleansed in gets polluted with the next batch of brown swirlies and it confuses ppl big time heh.

theyll end up staying away from the very spot they oughta be in.

None of that has anything to do with the mechanics lmfao

Yeah I have been saying this since early into Beta for M+.

The recent nerfs to it has it far from the worst boss in the rotation right now though.

This boss is a constant wipe for almost everyone.

Cleared it on a +14, but it was dicey due to a DPS dying on the second Germinate, and not having a battle res. That made the fight insane, but we ended up skipping the final treant, since the boss was so low. We just kept interrupts on it and burned through a full add set.

Crawth is pretty hard, too, but it was a PUG with no strategy.

Make up your mind peoples.

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More like germinate needs a bigger CD.

So few common mistakes I see on this boss. I’m 0/4 on him this week in 8-12 key range. :frowning:

  1. When he spawns the big add, it puts a huge bleed on everyone that lasts a minute. Standing on the big add when it dies will clear the bleed AND aoe heal. That bleed stacks so you have to clear it.

  2. Ranged/heals don’t clump to drop add swirls in melee so aoe isn’t effective at burning them down. They should be tight on the boss. So everything is spawning near boss.

  3. When he hits 100 energy and immediately spawns the small adds, you need an aoe slow or stun and help the heal not get swarmed. A small single aoe from the tank isn’t sufficient for threat. Hunter/rogue helps a bit here.

  4. Small adds deal aoe damage when they burst forth, so during the 2nd and 4th small add phase you shouldn’t be near them. It’s a big hitting ability and if you’re near a few of them you die instantly.

  5. Big add can be stunned and should be.

  6. Not 100% sure if big add heals boss when it dies. If it does, it shouldn’t be pulled to the boss or vice versa. It should be killed away from him and away from small adds.

This boss requires more mechanical knowledge or your heals just gets overwhelmed.

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No lust ?

The burst forth does group wide aoe regardless of where you stand.

Another big thing is not trying to murder the add as soon as it comes up. You have a substantial grace period to do a significant portion of its health before burst forth then you can hold it until the actual germinate begins then kill it while rotating. At that point, you can collapse in with no fear of accidentally killing yourself/others and cleanse off the dot.

The biggest issue in pugs is that people kill the branch around the same time germinate starts and then it issues come up with either people baiting into the green circle or people being to far out and end up not cleansing the dot and dying to burst forth.

Yes… stacking to keep add spawns close for easier cleave isnt doing mechanics. Standing on the branch to clear bleeds, also no mechanics.

Yiu’re just trolling.

If you’ve got someone who can hard cc, like a lock, this can help with delaying. Just have to be on top of canceling it.

Facts. Love how people are such simps they will defend it tho :joy:

Did you drop poison stacks in the aoe that the medium add drops when killed?

That seems to be the mechanic that most people I’ve met struggling on this boss have been missing.