Overcrowded Realm Update

What I am trying to say is I think people who have been following Classic as it moves toward live are most likely to stick with the game long term. I consider most who have bothered to reserve names as most likely long term Classic observers. If you are on a high or full realm now, it will likely continue to be overloaded by Phase 2 - - - making the removal of layers a real problem.

If I am sitting on a medium pop server next Monday, the flood of new players will certainly include a bunch that aren’t dedicated to Classic but are just giving it a try. It is more likely that a realm like that will lose enough population by Phase 2 to make flattening the layers possible.


While I appreciate the update, I am curious how many layers will be enacted for the populations of: high vs medium vs low.

My thought is if the server has a high population, at least it will look like there is a population on the server rather than a ghost town, even if it’s pushing lots of layering. Compared to a medium population may be a ghost town one day and okay the next.

My guild signed up there (Herod), and that is what is “binding us” there. Black Dragonflight was a heavy server from Vanilla, and it made sure that there were always stuff in the AH and People to group with. Even with queue times back in the day.

so basiclly you get your Que sim one way or another. Either at log in or in finding a group. get all the waiting out of the way up front rewards that with not having to spend as much time finding a tank or heals for a group. makes sense. just dont DC in the middle of a dungeon/ raid

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I finally agree with you. 5 Realms are not enough. However these need to become FULL before they open more. They have stated that is how it works. Blizzard is thinking long term health of the servers; we tend to be more limited in our scope. I am just saying…don’t come at me :slight_smile:


I don’t disagree at all with you actually. Well, other than picking gnome :stuck_out_tongue: jk.

have a great last week before classic, and GL in classic! take care man


Blizzard uses a grace period system in modern wow for circumstances like these, there’s a chance it’s in use for classic WoW (basically if you insta-dc you have like some amount of time that you can relog back in without being hit with the queue).

Open a new PVP realm and don’t call it Stalagg lmfao

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They did… they called it Skeram :slight_smile:

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Not amazing. Better though

I think the person you were replying to was referring to character names, not the realm name.

I actually think Stalagg sounds better than Skeram; no matter how I read it Skeram sounds like scram to me, which makes me think of a stereotypical old man standing at his front door screaming “Get off my lawn!” at the neighbourhood kids.

It is funny everyone talking about a server being dead or unpopulated, you relize the high population servers back in OG Vanilla only had 3500-4000 players on them at one time??? These servers we have now as blizz has stated even at medium population has more population than any server back in 2006, there are probably going to be around 170,000 - 230,000 players / server if you split it even across all servers at this point, with 35 servers.
I expect 6-8 million players of the over 100 million that tried wow over the years to give Classic a try in the first month.(that is only 6%-8% total players) to put that into perspective, Even is only 1 million players come that is still 27,500 players / server split even. 7 times that of what vanilla actually had, 27k people might not sound like a lot but it is when there is only one world, everyone isn’t split in CRZ, or on other servers, or in outlands, northerend, pandaria, Wod, legion or bfa zones all there is are Eastern kingdoms & kalimdor thats it. everyone is pushed into a smaller area. spawn rates and nodes spawn slower, and players are brought together in the same areas for objectives like world bosses ect and everyone you see is on your server. these servers even at low population will be massively over populated if i was to guess i bet only maybe 35-40% of the players even reserved a name yet waiting till last minute.
35 servers world wide is not enough when OG Vanilla launched the first time it had 93 servers, world of warcraft retail right now has 243 servers, that was just to make up for the 12 million they had in wotlk, if you want to do some math here you go, 12 million divided by 243 servers = 49,382 people / server during wotlk, this with us having a larger world, 4 land masses. Kalimdor, eastern kingdoms, outlands & northerend. As of right now even if we only have 1.5 million people try classic (a VERY conservative number meaning only 1% of all wow players over the years trying it) this would give us 42k players all stuffed in kalimdor and eastern kingdoms alone on 2 land masses instead of 4 population density would be twice as high


Pronounced “Scare’Em”
Not Scram

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For everyone yelling “just make a realm named Thunderfury then we will switch” you’re too dense to realize EVERYONE would like that server name better and it would just become the new Herod. A “cool” server name is not the answer. The answer is a realm opened up that can only be accessed by logging into your herod characters and clicking “transfer to new realm A” giving you the option to keep your name if it’s available or to rename prior to the move being completed.

This would give the people moving from a full server to a newer server better odds at the names they want, and probably split the population enough to make both realms only HIGH population or one high one medium.

Also Blizzard, you are pretty much at fault for not making a hard maximum. When a realm says HIGH or FULL it should become impossible to create more characters on that realm. If it means people who haven’t subbed yet are cut off from those who have already rolled there, so be it. It may make some of those on full servers jump ship and go to another server to be with friends.

Anyway, a new cool server name everyone can access is not the solution for realms like Herod


Everything he said here is correct

I mean… They released 3 new servers… Stalagg, Skeram and Blaumeux. It’s not that hard to log in RIGHT NOW and make a new character on one of those servers… People are just crying for attention because they need something to complain about. Once WoWC is launched, it’ll be a pacifier that keeps them stupid and happy.


Good grief.

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Well I just made and deleted 3 batches of 3 new characters on both the new PvP realms recently created without any issues. I have since rolled my original 3 top picks on Grobb afterwards.

The 2 newest PvP servers are still at LOW, and if I can go through and litterally scoop up 9 names that I wanted, there is zero excuse for any groups to complain about naming issues, as you have a very good chance of getting the names you want still on these servers.

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if its just the name you are concerned about getting (and maybe shorter log in times) then doing that isnt an issue. but when you have entire guilds name planted onto the server its real hard to up and move the whole guild even though no one has set foot in game yet.