Outleveling dungeons at level 50 in Shadowlands?

I see in the Shadowlands homepage here that it says “You can still outlevel dungeons and crush them for transmogs or fulfillment.”.

My question is: Can someone who has not bought the Shadowlands xpac do this? I imagine the level cap is 50 for any account where Shadowlands has not been bought.

I do intend to buy Shadowlands when I can, but it may be quite a while so I’d like to know if I should farm dungeon/raid transmog looks before it releases.

PS. I wanted to put this in the Shadowlands Beta Dungeons and Raids forum but the New Topic button there appears to be non-functional. I hope this forum is close enough.

You’ll be capped at 50 and will not be able to explore the Shadowlands until you purchase the expansion.


Yes, but of course it will depend on the dungeon. If its a level 50 dungeon and you are level 50, you won’t really have outleveled it. You’d be able to do that with lower level dungeons.

I don’t have any details on the dungeon level structure.

You’d need to have been invited to beta in order to post in the Beta forum. This is definitely close enough to ask for advice. :slight_smile:


I was wondering about this too… So What level will the other raids be at? level 10 for vanilla? 20 for BC, 30 for WOTLK, 40 for cata, 50 for pandaria? 55 for WOD? I have been getting every transmog because I don’t know if we will even be able to anyone after the expansion. Trying to get all of them for all classes and armor/weapon types.

Probably best to keep an eye on the Beta forums to see what comes up :wink:

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Since everything before Shadowlands will level up to 50, then 50-60 being SL, it’s likely those dungeons will be in a range, but until they post previews no one in the CS forum could say for sure.

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ok. thanks

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ISTRC that when computing the new SL level of a character, you take the characters current level and divide it by about 2.4. That would make a current level 60 character a SL level 25-ish character.

I assume that much the same math would apply to raid and dungeon levels.
Theoretically. it’s possible to level 1-50 in SL just by completing 2-4 zones but although zone mobs can scale to your level, it doesn’t appear that group content will.

It’s a lot of math and stuff going on with squishes, and a lot of it comes down to a difference in what you see and how the game views you. Which is to say that effectively the game will probably still view you as being 120, even though “120” is now represented as 50. That’s one way of simplifying it anyways. The details mostly only make sense to someone who has programming knowledge.

All you need to know is that all 120 characters will become 50 characters at the start of the expansion, and the only dungeons you’ll need a group to complete will be the BfA ones. Once you make it to level 60, you’ll be able to solo some BfA dungeons. The path to level cap is also much shorter, so you’ll be better set to just focus on getting to the cap and then going back.

This is not official and I’m not in the beta, but…

I would imagine that you shouldn’t think of the expansions as linear like that. Since you now level from 10-50 through one expansion’s storyline, think of one expansion’s dungeons as the time line.

For example, now when you hit 58, you choose between Outland and Northrend. Your first dungeons, respectively, are Hellfire Ramparts and Utgarde Keep. So, those are likely going to be “level 10” dungeons, and you’ll outlevel them by 50. But the later dungeons, like Shattered Halls and Utgarde Pinnacle, will be higher level, maybe “level 45”. You won’t outlevel those.

That’s how I imagine it being. But I could be way off base.

From my understanding from reading a ton of posts in beta, is…If you can solo it now, you should be able to solo it at 50 as well. From what Ion has stated in multiple interviews, they do not want characters to lose the power they have now. The only difference is, corruption and azerite essence op-ness will be disabled. But your base power is still there.

I could be wrong though, as I haven’t gotten a beta invite to test this myself

I just hope they don’t do what SWTOR did and put your level at the zone’s level. That would screw up solo transmog hunting :frowning:

Thank you to everyone who has helped so far!

With the current “zone level scaling to character level” function, I was under the impression that All pre-Shadowlands dungeons would become level 50 dungeons, since all expacs’ new level range will end at 50.

For example, all Vanilla dungeons are currently level 60 dungeons, from Deadmines to Lower Blackrock Spire and everything in between. Only the minimum level they scale to is different.

Your wording makes me think that that function is being removed… I hadn’t actually thought of that possibility.

Has that been officially announced? If so, could someone please provide a link to the info?

Not that I’m aware of, Atenstein, but there might have been an interview out there where a Dev provided a response. I haven’t seen them all.

We are likely to find out more as things develop too.

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This is the most important thing. Even if someone is in beta and can tell us exactly how it works…things can change until launch. The best thing to do is stay informed when new Dev chats are released, and just wait until launch.

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