Outlaw PvP

In regards to random BG’s, what talents, traits, and essences are you guys using as Outlaw.

I’ll log myself out in rando setup for ya - I run weaponmaster but most run pistol

I like WM, Hook, Deeper Strat, Elusiveness, Blinding Powder, Alacrity, and Blade Rush for PvP.

Honor talents, I use Control is King, Smoke Bomb, and Take your Cut

SS ends up doing a lot of damage - you’re pretty tanky/slippery and can interrupt a lot. Don’t be afraid to use everything to stop their big damage, including blind (90 sec cd, 30 yard range). Like take chaos bolt and fear for example - they should have a very hard time getting those off on you with cloak, kick, gouge, BtE, blind, smoke bomb, vanish, cheap shop, etc. - then once you’ve got through their wall/coil, pop AR with a good roll, and go to town.

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