Outlaw losing shadowstep

gaining a a 2nd charge of grappling hook, at first I was annoyed, but then I hoped on the ptr. fatebound outlaw can grapple 4 times back to back. that’s freaking impressive

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Incorrect. You’ll have 0 grapplings hooks because both charges will fail.


Only way it works is to jump and have it mouse over macro so nothing LoS and you can do it quickly.

But I look like Mario more so than a Rogue when I do it and people ask me what I am doing lol.

Sometimes I jump and do a Blood Elf twirl then grapple. Now that is funny!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Grapple doesn’t ignore effects. There’s a huge benefit to Shadow Step for cheesing some mechanics, so it feels like maybe even if it’s better for mobility and binds, it’s kind of a nerf for our gimmicks.


Or grapple bugs out, uses your charge, meaning fatebound charge doesn’t go off, you go for a 2nd grapple which feels awful already, it potentially bugs out too and you’re left there looking confused.

Can’t wait.

At this point, let me pick a grapple that attaches to the mob and just pulls me to it, Outlaw? Nahhhhh Hylian hero (Link).


It’s not really cheesing mechanics. Shadow Step is a literal teleport that acts like a teleport, which is insanely more flexible than Grapple because Grapple drags you through puddles/cones/swirlies.

Avoiding the venom waves during the Gligar-boss fight, Sikran’s clone strikes, and those annoying parasites during Brood Twister just off the top of my head (not because we’re currently stuck on heroic Brood Twister…)

Grapple either works on flat, open, obvious ground or completely breaks because there’s a pebble in the geometry and spaghetti code is going to spaghetti, apparently.


I rather see a choice node with Sprint on a lower CD than a second Grapple Hook.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Can always play the other two specs if your so worried and love shadow step that much. And thankfully those specs are actually meta.

I secretly do like the changes to outlaw rogue on ptr and hope it becomes more viable in pvp. Especially since sub is losing CDR.

It’s a nerf to outlaw in arenas, a buff to tricksters in bg blitz and a huge buff for fatebound outlaws in BGB. With this buff I can’t think of a class with better mobility in bgs, going from objective to objective in stealth will be insane


getting shadowstep on outlaw in DF was a very good qol. 2nd charge of grapple is abit meaningless since grapple itself already has an extremely short cd due to restless blades cd reduction.

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like a burst of speed?


Shadowstep was one of the few “ooOh ninja magic!” things I actually liked, but I can accept letting it go if the rest of the ninja/shadow-magic stuff leaves Outlaw.

Let me swash buckles and leave the shadow teleporting and vanish twisting stuff to Sub, maybe with a bit of leakage into Assassination.


Outlaw has step and 2x hook on PTR

Basically that is what the PVP talent does but add in like a few seconds of slow protection to be like BoS. People proposed putting BoS on a 30 second CD to keep it balanced and that might work.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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make a 45 second cd affected by cdr

Imo it’s a huge oversight and I don’t think anyone was complaining about shadow step adding to button bloat.

It’s been amazing to have as outlaw and the spec will be worse off with out it

It’s about play style preference. Personally I loathe anything that has a point and click use. So I use shadowstep. I personally think it should be a one or the other choice on your talents choices regardless of spec.

However I do love to use grappling hook for exploring.

I just wish sprint had its movement impairing immunity back again