Outlaw hero talents and identity

The only thing I can find to show class representation is arena tracker. It shows rogues in the mix with every other class representation in 2s, slightly higher in NA compared to EU but with spriest having overwhelming representation in both regions and DH rock bottom. Rogues are on the lower end of representation in 3s in the EU and slightly higher in NA, but again with spriest overwhelming representation and DH rock bottom. In RBG rogue is the 2nd most represented in EU and 3rd most in NA with druids topping both regions

And world pvp, which is one of the biggest reasons people play rogue.

What are we talking about now? I was responding to a claim that rogues are the least played pve spec, when in reality they are middle of the pack, and a claim that outlaw is the least played spec of the 3, when again it’s the 2nd most played of the 3 specs, and a suggestion that visual flair is part of making ppl not playing it when the spec with the most visual flair is the least played of the 3 and the spec with the least visual flair is the most played.

The only reason you’re seeing the current playrates is because the Archon tiers came out and people realized Outlaw was great DPS despite what the rogue forums had to say. The current outlaw players are fotm players. Similar to how suddenly arcane is a currently popular spec when it has never been previously. Brute numbers will do that.

Subtlety doesn’t get played because it’s just as hard without the current top tier DPS outlaw has. So if people want easy, they’ll play assassination instead.

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