Outland Leatherworking 74/75

My Gnome Monk is 150/150 BFA LW and has been leveling older expansions. She has been stuck on 74/75 on BC leatherworking for a week. I’ve been crafting green Drums of Panic and Drums of Battle using Fel Hide and Heavy Clefthoof Leather respectively, rare skins.

At 74/75 I’ve now crafted 30 Drums of Panic and close to 15 Drums of Battle, nothing is getting me that last point. Even tried crafting a green jungle hat thinking it was those patterns and that was even more expensive than drums, nothing.

Tried crafting without mods, disabling them. Nothing I do can manage that last point and anything below 75 is all green and expensive to level, especially if have to make 100 of them to get a final point.


Same for me unfortunately, 9 drums of battle and 9 drums of panic and nothing.


I know it’s limited information, but I completed 75/75 Outland Leatherworking on this character early in BfA. Not all patterns were accessible to a level 69. All patterns I have are grey.

I recall making stacks and stacks of drums, but I think it was because I was intending to use them in Korrak’s Revenge. I don’t recall if completing 75/75 was actually a goal of mine.

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Having the same problem currently.


bump, same issue


Just adding that I eventually got 75/75 completed. It just took a long time and way more drums than I expected.

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