Optional Flying Mount Lock

This might sound strange, but I much prefer leveling alts through old world zones on a ground mount.

If there was a way to lock flying mounts on a given alt until reaching level 50 that would that be awesome. I guess it could be an item that enchanters make, or a new purchasable heirloom.

Even though I enjoy playing “from the ground”, the temptation to use my flying mount is irresistible once I reach level 30. It’s like forcing yourself to go to the gym. You know it’s good for you. But you’d rather just eat some tasty fast food.

I would suggest you simply learn some self-control. It will serve you in life more than just here.


I am the same way. I tend to play retail very unconventionally. I mean, my goblin shaman i had through shadowfang keep with the commanders crest and a mace. I did a 2 handed axe for a while and did not dual wield until lvl 40. Had to go out and find the weapon masters, and i make sure i get the flight masters. Things like that that most peeps dont even do anymore. Heck i even waited until lvl 40 just to use a regular 60 % speed mount, but this was in bfa.

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I never fly in any of the classic areas, or in any of the cities like orgrimmar or thunderbluff. It just never felt right. Places like uldum and company made more sense, but in old areas like tanaris or ashenvale, it is pointless to fly. So i never do.

That’s already in the game:

Don’t purchase riding above Journeyman.


You’re welcome.


Don’t buy flying.

Your welcome


If only there was a way you could still use a ground mount…

Well, I’m sure some genius a thousand years in the future will figure it out.


you are muted.